Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is the best cream medicine with NO PRESCRIPTION needed?

I need a good effective cream that makes absesses heal on the skin.

My absess isn't very big and the doctor gave us antibiotics pills. We have to wait for it to grow to pop it. Its under my eye.What is the best cream medicine with NO PRESCRIPTION needed?
You need to stick to the treatment your doctor prescribed for you. If you didn't get cream/ointment for this, then it's not something you should try on your own. Give the antibiotics a chance to work. Do NOT POP IT. NEVER pop anything. EVER. You will just spread the bacteria. And do you want it in your eye? I don't think so.What is the best cream medicine with NO PRESCRIPTION needed?
There in nothing out there that will heal an abcess. You have an infection so take the antibiotics and get the infection under control.
There isn't.

An abscess is cause by bacteria and systemic (oral) antibiotic is the treatment.

You are not a doctor. Don't practice medicine on yourself without a license.

You can use warm facecloth compresses to get it to come to a head. If you pop it, you will end up with a scar, plus you'll be spreading the bacteria from inside all over your face.

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