Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is a good anti-inflammatory medicine or cream ect. for a locked jaw?

Voltaren rub should help see if you can get some anti-inflammatory cream @ the pharmacy. It may have a different name in your country but as long as you ask for 'anti-inflammatory cream/lotion you should be fine, if possible explain what you want it for. Good luck hope you feel better soon.What is a good anti-inflammatory medicine or cream ect. for a locked jaw?
If it's genuine lock jaw, then you need mechanical reduction by a trained professional. In terms of TMJ symptoms NSAIDS like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) can be helpful so long as you have no contraindications %26amp; the etiology of the TMJ.What is a good anti-inflammatory medicine or cream ect. for a locked jaw?
I take it your jaw is completely dislocated. Aspirin should be fine or hydrocortisone cream. But time is the best healer of all.

Have you had a tetanus shot?

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