Age is around 29 yrs. Does the use of these ols etc affect he eye sight ?Is baldness curable, by using oils,creams or oral medicines and if so in how many days?.?
Yes. Hair loss, baldness, is treatable by medicine and commercially available oilments and pills. Consult your doctor on hairloss.
Hair treatment medication does not affect the eye sight.
Depending on your hairloss pattern and cause, it might take as long as 6 months for visible, satisfactory results to show.
Meanwhile, if there is urgent need to look young, either put on a wig or go totally bald and get some sunglasses.Is baldness curable, by using oils,creams or oral medicines and if so in how many days?.?
If you are noticing an increase in shedding then its important to go to your doctor for some blood work to make sure its not related to an malfunction somewhere in your body.It is normal to loose around 100 hairs per day on average.
these are some hair health tips to keep in mind
1.) Seaweeds,help stimulate the thyroid and give minerals for the proper health of the hair
2.) Spinach is great for the hair,contains lots of minerals,as are all the green vegetables.
3.) Protein your hair is made of protein so make sure you are getting it in either animal or vegetable form such as fish,chicken,beef,legumes,nuts... and cheese.Or protein drinks.
4.) take a good b-vitamin supplement with biotin which increases hair growth.
5.)MSM contains naturally occuring sulfer and will make your hair and nails grow faster.
6.) silica
this combined with a good scalp massage with herbal hair oil will do wonders for your hair. Avoid brushing ur hair when its wet,and use a natural shampoo that does not contain harsh or heavy cleansers with sodium laureth sulfates.
Male pattern baldness is an incurable form of alopecia. The gimmicks don't work. You can use products to help prevent the further loss of hair but nothing will bring it back. Nioxin is a great product for the prevention of further hair loss. It is a professional product.
Yes it is curable in 6 days by headstands and baby oil.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Creams for after acne medicines?
are there any creams that i can put on my face after i put on acne products like clearasael, that will make it so my face doesn't dry out, but wont make the stuff i already put on not work?Creams for after acne medicines?
use clinique dramatic moisturizer. it's the best. i promise. its oil free and really worksCreams for after acne medicines?
There are a variety of ways to treat acne and many acne sufferers have found that the natural types of acne treatments can be effective at helping to stop your acne and no negative side effects.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .
use clinique dramatic moisturizer. it's the best. i promise. its oil free and really worksCreams for after acne medicines?
There are a variety of ways to treat acne and many acne sufferers have found that the natural types of acne treatments can be effective at helping to stop your acne and no negative side effects.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .
I have curly hair.. how do i make it straight without using any medicines or creams..?
i want to straigten my hair but i don't want to reborn my hair... just by using natural way will do.. how????I have curly hair.. how do i make it straight without using any medicines or creams..?
Why dont you buy a hair straightener. You can also get hair straightening shampoos and conditioners but i'm not sure if they work.I have curly hair.. how do i make it straight without using any medicines or creams..?
using a large round brush and a blow dryer.
start at the back and the bottom, the longest hair
and work your way to the front
takes a little practice
if you can watch split ends on tv
a reality show for hairstylists
or google straighten curley hair
it is easier to watch then do it
or go to your hair dresser and ask for a blow out
and aske them to teach you
buy a flat iron from a local salon or drugstore
Straightner duh, shampoos%26amp;konditioners to straighten hair..don't work..I've tryed a lot of them.
You will need a really good straightner then.
[ chi is very very good]
Plus plus plus you need a heat protector stray.
Lol it may cost a 'bit' but it is worth it. trust me. It is.
using a straitening iron wont burn your hair or anything like that so you could try that
Why dont you buy a hair straightener. You can also get hair straightening shampoos and conditioners but i'm not sure if they work.I have curly hair.. how do i make it straight without using any medicines or creams..?
using a large round brush and a blow dryer.
start at the back and the bottom, the longest hair
and work your way to the front
takes a little practice
if you can watch split ends on tv
a reality show for hairstylists
or google straighten curley hair
it is easier to watch then do it
or go to your hair dresser and ask for a blow out
and aske them to teach you
buy a flat iron from a local salon or drugstore
Straightner duh, shampoos%26amp;konditioners to straighten hair..don't work..I've tryed a lot of them.
You will need a really good straightner then.
[ chi is very very good]
Plus plus plus you need a heat protector stray.
Lol it may cost a 'bit' but it is worth it. trust me. It is.
using a straitening iron wont burn your hair or anything like that so you could try that
How can i enlarge my breast size without using breast enhancement creams or medicines?
You get what you get. If you want to make them stand out more, you can try strengthening and toning your ';pecs';, your chest muscles.How can i enlarge my breast size without using breast enhancement creams or medicines?
Check out on your TV ';90210';How can i enlarge my breast size without using breast enhancement creams or medicines?
push up bras, underwires, padded bras
Get pregnant and then breast feed.
Plastic surgery? I think. IDK.
Ask your doctor. =)
Exercise to tone up your muscles, wear push up bra, wired bra and be happy with what you are now. Have a balance diet. Gain weight may have some effect too. Or get pregnant and breastfeed your child as long as you can. Breast enhancement creams or medicine will have a tempory effect for you. But you have to continue taking them. If you really want a real grow in size better go for implant.
How old are you? Breast size has so little to do with real life. It makes me sad to see young women make a fuss over something unimportant.
You can't. Keep fit and exercise and keep the muscles under them strong to keep them from sagging but you cannot increase the size of your breasts without implants. Even those creams and medicines don't really work - they are also not approved by the FDA usually and could even be dangerous. Why not accept what you have and deal with it? Not all guys like big breasts - most guys honestly don't care that much.
Check out on your TV ';90210';How can i enlarge my breast size without using breast enhancement creams or medicines?
push up bras, underwires, padded bras
Get pregnant and then breast feed.
Plastic surgery? I think. IDK.
Ask your doctor. =)
Exercise to tone up your muscles, wear push up bra, wired bra and be happy with what you are now. Have a balance diet. Gain weight may have some effect too. Or get pregnant and breastfeed your child as long as you can. Breast enhancement creams or medicine will have a tempory effect for you. But you have to continue taking them. If you really want a real grow in size better go for implant.
How old are you? Breast size has so little to do with real life. It makes me sad to see young women make a fuss over something unimportant.
You can't. Keep fit and exercise and keep the muscles under them strong to keep them from sagging but you cannot increase the size of your breasts without implants. Even those creams and medicines don't really work - they are also not approved by the FDA usually and could even be dangerous. Why not accept what you have and deal with it? Not all guys like big breasts - most guys honestly don't care that much.
blackness under eyes is related to lies,,i am not saying you are a lier but its true-or if you have multiple sex partners---HOW CAN i GET RID OF BLACKNESS UNDER THE EYES EVENTHOUGH i USED MANY COSMETICS, MEDICINES , CREAMS , VITAMINS.
Try the old-fashioned way of putting metal spoons in the freezer or fridge and putting them under your eyes
look the basic thing for loosing black circles is to have very good sleep. If you do not have these circles from your birth,which some peoples have, then i strongly suggest you to have a very relaxed and deep sleep at least 8-10 hours for a week at least. Look at the difference and then tell me. you can enhance this therepy by using a cream which i strongly cancontact me if you can.
blackness under eyes is related to lies,,i am not saying you are a lier but its true-or if you have multiple sex partners---HOW CAN i GET RID OF BLACKNESS UNDER THE EYES EVENTHOUGH i USED MANY COSMETICS, MEDICINES , CREAMS , VITAMINS.
Try the old-fashioned way of putting metal spoons in the freezer or fridge and putting them under your eyes
look the basic thing for loosing black circles is to have very good sleep. If you do not have these circles from your birth,which some peoples have, then i strongly suggest you to have a very relaxed and deep sleep at least 8-10 hours for a week at least. Look at the difference and then tell me. you can enhance this therepy by using a cream which i strongly cancontact me if you can.
I have purchased many different creams and medicines to add length and width to my penis. Nothing works.?
When I masturbate frequently with friends, then it seems to get bigger and stronger. Has anyone anymore ideas? I am the standard 6'; and quite thick but would like more as well as more semen.I have purchased many different creams and medicines to add length and width to my penis. Nothing works.?
Perhaps - and this is only a thought (it says here) - that your friends aren't doing it properly for you. Tell them that they shouldn't really be wearing those spiked gloves when they ';work'; on you - oh, and by the way, another good fairy tale is ';Snow White';.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!I have purchased many different creams and medicines to add length and width to my penis. Nothing works.?
if u triedd everthing then keep maturbatin goodluck
I didn't know that they did group therapy like that ;)
You jerk off with friends? You're a polesmoker buddy.
what sort of ';friends'; are we talking about here.
nothing will work, thats all a farse. the only thing that will is surgery. youre fine. theres nothing wrong with average. nothing at all. learn some new tricks, thats much better than having a big tool you dont know how to use. besides too big is no good. leave it alone you might do damage
Remember penile erection is caused by an increase amount of blood in the tissues of the penis(corpora cavernosa and corpora spongiosum). The more blood flows in the bigger , longer and harder it gets.Besides this is the mode of action of the famous blue pill.
There is one way in which you can improve the blood flow .There is a muscle called the 'levator ani' whose intermittent contraction
and relaxation may help to pump more blood in the penile tissues.You can train these muscles with multiple sets of ten repetitions during the day. Within 2 weeks you will start feeling and seeing the difference.
The exercise consists of contracting the anal muscles by trying to appose, with maximum force, the buttocks.You can actually feel the blood rushing in the penis.Keep the contraction for as long as you can and relax.Do 10 repetitions per set and keep doing the sets as many times as you can in a day .You can do it anywhere ,whilesitting,standing etc
Regarding the amount of sperm you will need to decrease the number of masturbation you do .The effect is quick.
Learn to train the levetor ani muscle and both you and your partner will love it.
This advise is not for sale!
No medicine in this world can help you increase the size of your penis. Surgery is the only option, and it is not 100% guaranteed either.
and you honestly think that creams will work. advertising got your money hey..........
too bad
How fragile the male ego is!
Your penis size (while erect) is based on blood pressure. You can experiment with your blood vessels by trapping the blood flow -out- of your penis so that blood only flows -into- your penis. Be careful, however, you can actually damage your penis this way. (So don't do things like tie rubber bands around your penis.)
its o k don't go for big. have quality.too much of everything is bad.masturbating is not a thing to be done publicly.keep it secret.until you marry you may enjoy it,but not with friends.for size,are you going for exhibition.???
no wonder it will not work 6 in is more than enough i am 6 and enjoyed good sex will many women no complains from them so enjoy what you have and have fun
I'm sorry for what you consider to be a 'standard' size. Going by my previous boyfriends you would be considered the 'runt of the litter'
I suggest keep masturbating with your friends, for personal enjoyment at least
accept what you were born with ,simple the yanks try body fat in penis but it will soon go.we are not like women plastic **** unless your a sex change.
That's right nothing I repeat nothing will enlarge you penis.
Don't bother trying to stretch it or anything all they do is ruin the muscles and tissue around and hold the penis.
You cannot make your penis bigger but you can enlarge your brain and once that is larger so will be your penis.
So learn to love what you have at least your not 4'; like billions of guy and get healthy in your mind about your body and eventually you will realize your penis is awesome and will bring you much pleasure and you partner much pleasure.
You need to go to court and sue the manufacturers of these products. Get in front of a judge and jury and proclaim..';Your honor, I have a very small penis. I tried these products and they didn't work. My penis is still very small.'; Maybe you can get some money out of it.
haven't you wasted enough money on this....and who says there is a standard size? Your brain righ now is about the size of your penis...and it ain't getting any bigger masturbating all day.
You've got it...nothing works...just accept what you have.
It won't work!!
6' is not's huge!!
Masturbate with friends?? R u gay or something??? Or just doing it for the fun of it??
Come on, the bigger it gets, the more damage it will inflict on the vagina or ********.
Remember the moto, its not the length or size its what can do with it!!!
no cream or anything like that works no tablet no penis pullers no nothing its all bull, i mean u can try stretching excerises but it only helps a lil, if u want more ***,, you gonna have to lay of wanking a bit , as wanking can make ur penis look smaller,, i would say laff of ur d i c k for at least a week then see what happens , maybe ur overdoing best of luck
Accept your penis the way it is! what is wrong with a 6 incher- its what u do with it that counts.
stop wasting your money, i'm sure you are okay, it's quality,n ot quantity that counts.
Smash your dick with a 5 pound club hammer and watch it swell
fact grandma's vanilla cream cookies (the ones u buy at the store ';grandma's'; brand) that will help with the semem. proved this while at college, as far as ur size blame ur father......
at 6 inches you are already above average so why would you want to make your penis any longer. If you think a big one is better, think again; lots of guys with really big ones are lousy lovers because they think their size will make up for their inability to learn to use it well. So relax, keep masturbating with friends and enjoy life. Oh, and make sure you learn to please not only yrouself but yoru future sexmate too. Mutual pleasuer is the name of the game and the better you are at it, the better your relationship will be (and this is true for you and all gyuys whethe raverage, above or below).
if you want more semen dont masterbate for a few days but if you want a bigger more thicker penis then surgery is the only true answercute myspace
Perhaps - and this is only a thought (it says here) - that your friends aren't doing it properly for you. Tell them that they shouldn't really be wearing those spiked gloves when they ';work'; on you - oh, and by the way, another good fairy tale is ';Snow White';.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!I have purchased many different creams and medicines to add length and width to my penis. Nothing works.?
if u triedd everthing then keep maturbatin goodluck
I didn't know that they did group therapy like that ;)
You jerk off with friends? You're a polesmoker buddy.
what sort of ';friends'; are we talking about here.
nothing will work, thats all a farse. the only thing that will is surgery. youre fine. theres nothing wrong with average. nothing at all. learn some new tricks, thats much better than having a big tool you dont know how to use. besides too big is no good. leave it alone you might do damage
Remember penile erection is caused by an increase amount of blood in the tissues of the penis(corpora cavernosa and corpora spongiosum). The more blood flows in the bigger , longer and harder it gets.Besides this is the mode of action of the famous blue pill.
There is one way in which you can improve the blood flow .There is a muscle called the 'levator ani' whose intermittent contraction
and relaxation may help to pump more blood in the penile tissues.You can train these muscles with multiple sets of ten repetitions during the day. Within 2 weeks you will start feeling and seeing the difference.
The exercise consists of contracting the anal muscles by trying to appose, with maximum force, the buttocks.You can actually feel the blood rushing in the penis.Keep the contraction for as long as you can and relax.Do 10 repetitions per set and keep doing the sets as many times as you can in a day .You can do it anywhere ,whilesitting,standing etc
Regarding the amount of sperm you will need to decrease the number of masturbation you do .The effect is quick.
Learn to train the levetor ani muscle and both you and your partner will love it.
This advise is not for sale!
No medicine in this world can help you increase the size of your penis. Surgery is the only option, and it is not 100% guaranteed either.
and you honestly think that creams will work. advertising got your money hey..........
too bad
How fragile the male ego is!
Your penis size (while erect) is based on blood pressure. You can experiment with your blood vessels by trapping the blood flow -out- of your penis so that blood only flows -into- your penis. Be careful, however, you can actually damage your penis this way. (So don't do things like tie rubber bands around your penis.)
its o k don't go for big. have quality.too much of everything is bad.masturbating is not a thing to be done publicly.keep it secret.until you marry you may enjoy it,but not with friends.for size,are you going for exhibition.???
no wonder it will not work 6 in is more than enough i am 6 and enjoyed good sex will many women no complains from them so enjoy what you have and have fun
I'm sorry for what you consider to be a 'standard' size. Going by my previous boyfriends you would be considered the 'runt of the litter'
I suggest keep masturbating with your friends, for personal enjoyment at least
accept what you were born with ,simple the yanks try body fat in penis but it will soon go.we are not like women plastic **** unless your a sex change.
That's right nothing I repeat nothing will enlarge you penis.
Don't bother trying to stretch it or anything all they do is ruin the muscles and tissue around and hold the penis.
You cannot make your penis bigger but you can enlarge your brain and once that is larger so will be your penis.
So learn to love what you have at least your not 4'; like billions of guy and get healthy in your mind about your body and eventually you will realize your penis is awesome and will bring you much pleasure and you partner much pleasure.
You need to go to court and sue the manufacturers of these products. Get in front of a judge and jury and proclaim..';Your honor, I have a very small penis. I tried these products and they didn't work. My penis is still very small.'; Maybe you can get some money out of it.
haven't you wasted enough money on this....and who says there is a standard size? Your brain righ now is about the size of your penis...and it ain't getting any bigger masturbating all day.
You've got it...nothing works...just accept what you have.
It won't work!!
6' is not's huge!!
Masturbate with friends?? R u gay or something??? Or just doing it for the fun of it??
Come on, the bigger it gets, the more damage it will inflict on the vagina or ********.
Remember the moto, its not the length or size its what can do with it!!!
no cream or anything like that works no tablet no penis pullers no nothing its all bull, i mean u can try stretching excerises but it only helps a lil, if u want more ***,, you gonna have to lay of wanking a bit , as wanking can make ur penis look smaller,, i would say laff of ur d i c k for at least a week then see what happens , maybe ur overdoing best of luck
Accept your penis the way it is! what is wrong with a 6 incher- its what u do with it that counts.
stop wasting your money, i'm sure you are okay, it's quality,n ot quantity that counts.
Smash your dick with a 5 pound club hammer and watch it swell
fact grandma's vanilla cream cookies (the ones u buy at the store ';grandma's'; brand) that will help with the semem. proved this while at college, as far as ur size blame ur father......
at 6 inches you are already above average so why would you want to make your penis any longer. If you think a big one is better, think again; lots of guys with really big ones are lousy lovers because they think their size will make up for their inability to learn to use it well. So relax, keep masturbating with friends and enjoy life. Oh, and make sure you learn to please not only yrouself but yoru future sexmate too. Mutual pleasuer is the name of the game and the better you are at it, the better your relationship will be (and this is true for you and all gyuys whethe raverage, above or below).
if you want more semen dont masterbate for a few days but if you want a bigger more thicker penis then surgery is the only true answer
Iam suffering from itching tell me about some creams, medicines that i should prefer?
There are two reasons why this is not the right place to pose this question.
First - you don't say where the itch is.
Secondly - only a doctor or a nurse is the right person to give medical advice.Iam suffering from itching tell me about some creams, medicines that i should prefer?
oatmeal bath you can find it at walmart also benadryl allergy antihistamine helps greatlyIam suffering from itching tell me about some creams, medicines that i should prefer?
This depends on where your itchy and why
Aveeno soap works great!
First - you don't say where the itch is.
Secondly - only a doctor or a nurse is the right person to give medical advice.Iam suffering from itching tell me about some creams, medicines that i should prefer?
oatmeal bath you can find it at walmart also benadryl allergy antihistamine helps greatlyIam suffering from itching tell me about some creams, medicines that i should prefer?
This depends on where your itchy and why
Aveeno soap works great!
Any creams or medicines to lighten/get rid of chicken pox scars?
The tried and worked on different types of scars is a Ayrwedic medicine am not sure if it will work on chicken pox scars but you may give a try as ther are no side effects and only good effects are found
Take 50 gms of cow butter. heat it and form ghee.
wash it 100 times with fresh water every time min 100 mls. each time. this will form a SHATDHOUT GHRUT. add about 75 gms of termeric powder mix well apply it on the scars. use the cream so formed atleast for three weks. and I feel you will be scars free. ( please note try using chana dal powder instead of soap a Ritha powder will halp better)Any creams or medicines to lighten/get rid of chicken pox scars?
try cocoa butter lotion. they say to use it on stretch marks so it should work on scars for that also
KandiAny creams or medicines to lighten/get rid of chicken pox scars?
read tips on reducing scars and more on skincare on this site
Mederma from the drug store
vitamin e oil
ummm Maderma
i have a nice one on my forehead i shoulda asked this
Yes, vitamin e oil is an excellent way to lighten/get rid of scars...especially stretch marks...but I see no reason it would not work on chicken pox scars...since it worked quite well on surgical scars for me.
Vitamin E gel caps or creams rubbed on scars has been know to lighten them.
Vitamin E is the healer vitamin
I use alo it works for everything, or scar away, have to live with it
Try maderma...(I think I misspelled that)
Take 50 gms of cow butter. heat it and form ghee.
wash it 100 times with fresh water every time min 100 mls. each time. this will form a SHATDHOUT GHRUT. add about 75 gms of termeric powder mix well apply it on the scars. use the cream so formed atleast for three weks. and I feel you will be scars free. ( please note try using chana dal powder instead of soap a Ritha powder will halp better)Any creams or medicines to lighten/get rid of chicken pox scars?
try cocoa butter lotion. they say to use it on stretch marks so it should work on scars for that also
KandiAny creams or medicines to lighten/get rid of chicken pox scars?
read tips on reducing scars and more on skincare on this site
Mederma from the drug store
vitamin e oil
ummm Maderma
i have a nice one on my forehead i shoulda asked this
Yes, vitamin e oil is an excellent way to lighten/get rid of scars...especially stretch marks...but I see no reason it would not work on chicken pox scars...since it worked quite well on surgical scars for me.
Vitamin E gel caps or creams rubbed on scars has been know to lighten them.
Vitamin E is the healer vitamin
I use alo it works for everything, or scar away, have to live with it
Try maderma...(I think I misspelled that)
HELP!!what medicines/creams work to stop of itch of bites(mosquito,ant)?
Need relief ASAP%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;HELP!!what medicines/creams work to stop of itch of bites(mosquito,ant)?
Aveeno natural oatmeal anti -itch cream any drug store works wondersHELP!!what medicines/creams work to stop of itch of bites(mosquito,ant)?
hydrocortizone anti itch cream there is Aveeno cream. and benadryl creams mostly they are pretty much the same
calamine lotion (spelling??) it is the pink lotion or try benadryl or another antihistamine. that should help
try soaking in aveeno oatmeal bath. it works for me.
Benadryl Itch Stopping Cream works like a charm. good luck
Aveeno natural oatmeal anti -itch cream any drug store works wondersHELP!!what medicines/creams work to stop of itch of bites(mosquito,ant)?
hydrocortizone anti itch cream there is Aveeno cream. and benadryl creams mostly they are pretty much the same
calamine lotion (spelling??) it is the pink lotion or try benadryl or another antihistamine. that should help
try soaking in aveeno oatmeal bath. it works for me.
Benadryl Itch Stopping Cream works like a charm. good luck
Any tips about getting the acne off my face....without medicines or creams?
i need helpAny tips about getting the acne off my face....without medicines or creams?
There is this new popular cream that people have been talking about.
It was even televised on TV.
It prevents future and existing acne, diminishes scars, and lightens skin and blemishes. Fast results too! (It has been claimed that major results can be seen within a week and no later than two weeks)
Before and After photos are available at the given ebay site.
This person is providing 1-3 week trial samples (Only for ONE DOLLAR.. definitely a deal) on ebay at:
Search up ';best acne solution ever'; on ebay.
First 100 customers can get the item for $1 for one week trial and up to 3 weeks. Or you can buy the whole container for $160
It's expensive, but the product DOES work.
My sister and cousin who both have major acne have tried the product and they both give it thumbs up. I have also heard many great feedbacks about this cream.
I don't have a problem with acne, but it seems to have great results on my sister who has moderate to severe acne. Her acne swelling went away overnight.
I hope this helps. =)Any tips about getting the acne off my face....without medicines or creams?
Look into this website, they have some excellent treatments for your problem:
Without medicine or creams only way I think of is to pop them and just wash your face a lot!!!!
There is this new popular cream that people have been talking about.
It was even televised on TV.
It prevents future and existing acne, diminishes scars, and lightens skin and blemishes. Fast results too! (It has been claimed that major results can be seen within a week and no later than two weeks)
Before and After photos are available at the given ebay site.
This person is providing 1-3 week trial samples (Only for ONE DOLLAR.. definitely a deal) on ebay at:
Search up ';best acne solution ever'; on ebay.
First 100 customers can get the item for $1 for one week trial and up to 3 weeks. Or you can buy the whole container for $160
It's expensive, but the product DOES work.
My sister and cousin who both have major acne have tried the product and they both give it thumbs up. I have also heard many great feedbacks about this cream.
I don't have a problem with acne, but it seems to have great results on my sister who has moderate to severe acne. Her acne swelling went away overnight.
I hope this helps. =)Any tips about getting the acne off my face....without medicines or creams?
Look into this website, they have some excellent treatments for your problem:
Without medicine or creams only way I think of is to pop them and just wash your face a lot!!!!
Is baldness curable, by using oils,creams or oral medicines and if so in how many days?.?
Age is around 29 yrs. Does the use of these ols etc affect he eye sight ?Is baldness curable, by using oils,creams or oral medicines and if so in how many days?.?
Yes. Hair loss, baldness, is treatable by medicine and commercially available oilments and pills. Consult your doctor on hairloss.
Hair treatment medication does not affect the eye sight.
Depending on your hairloss pattern and cause, it might take as long as 6 months for visible, satisfactory results to show.
Meanwhile, if there is urgent need to look young, either put on a wig or go totally bald and get some sunglasses.Is baldness curable, by using oils,creams or oral medicines and if so in how many days?.?
If you are noticing an increase in shedding then its important to go to your doctor for some blood work to make sure its not related to an malfunction somewhere in your body.It is normal to loose around 100 hairs per day on average.
these are some hair health tips to keep in mind
1.) Seaweeds,help stimulate the thyroid and give minerals for the proper health of the hair
2.) Spinach is great for the hair,contains lots of minerals,as are all the green vegetables.
3.) Protein your hair is made of protein so make sure you are getting it in either animal or vegetable form such as fish,chicken,beef,legumes,nuts... and cheese.Or protein drinks.
4.) take a good b-vitamin supplement with biotin which increases hair growth.
5.)MSM contains naturally occuring sulfer and will make your hair and nails grow faster.
6.) silica
this combined with a good scalp massage with herbal hair oil will do wonders for your hair. Avoid brushing ur hair when its wet,and use a natural shampoo that does not contain harsh or heavy cleansers with sodium laureth sulfates.
Male pattern baldness is an incurable form of alopecia. The gimmicks don't work. You can use products to help prevent the further loss of hair but nothing will bring it back. Nioxin is a great product for the prevention of further hair loss. It is a professional product.
Yes it is curable in 6 days by headstands and baby oil.
Yes. Hair loss, baldness, is treatable by medicine and commercially available oilments and pills. Consult your doctor on hairloss.
Hair treatment medication does not affect the eye sight.
Depending on your hairloss pattern and cause, it might take as long as 6 months for visible, satisfactory results to show.
Meanwhile, if there is urgent need to look young, either put on a wig or go totally bald and get some sunglasses.Is baldness curable, by using oils,creams or oral medicines and if so in how many days?.?
If you are noticing an increase in shedding then its important to go to your doctor for some blood work to make sure its not related to an malfunction somewhere in your body.It is normal to loose around 100 hairs per day on average.
these are some hair health tips to keep in mind
1.) Seaweeds,help stimulate the thyroid and give minerals for the proper health of the hair
2.) Spinach is great for the hair,contains lots of minerals,as are all the green vegetables.
3.) Protein your hair is made of protein so make sure you are getting it in either animal or vegetable form such as fish,chicken,beef,legumes,nuts... and cheese.Or protein drinks.
4.) take a good b-vitamin supplement with biotin which increases hair growth.
5.)MSM contains naturally occuring sulfer and will make your hair and nails grow faster.
6.) silica
this combined with a good scalp massage with herbal hair oil will do wonders for your hair. Avoid brushing ur hair when its wet,and use a natural shampoo that does not contain harsh or heavy cleansers with sodium laureth sulfates.
Male pattern baldness is an incurable form of alopecia. The gimmicks don't work. You can use products to help prevent the further loss of hair but nothing will bring it back. Nioxin is a great product for the prevention of further hair loss. It is a professional product.
Yes it is curable in 6 days by headstands and baby oil.
Creams for after acne medicines?
are there any creams that i can put on my face after i put on acne products like clearasael, that will make it so my face doesn't dry out, but wont make the stuff i already put on not work?Creams for after acne medicines?
use clinique dramatic moisturizer. it's the best. i promise. its oil free and really worksCreams for after acne medicines?
There are a variety of ways to treat acne and many acne sufferers have found that the natural types of acne treatments can be effective at helping to stop your acne and no negative side effects.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .cute myspace
use clinique dramatic moisturizer. it's the best. i promise. its oil free and really worksCreams for after acne medicines?
There are a variety of ways to treat acne and many acne sufferers have found that the natural types of acne treatments can be effective at helping to stop your acne and no negative side effects.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .
I have curly hair.. how do i make it straight without using any medicines or creams..?
i want to straigten my hair but i don't want to reborn my hair... just by using natural way will do.. how????I have curly hair.. how do i make it straight without using any medicines or creams..?
Why dont you buy a hair straightener. You can also get hair straightening shampoos and conditioners but i'm not sure if they work.I have curly hair.. how do i make it straight without using any medicines or creams..?
using a large round brush and a blow dryer.
start at the back and the bottom, the longest hair
and work your way to the front
takes a little practice
if you can watch split ends on tv
a reality show for hairstylists
or google straighten curley hair
it is easier to watch then do it
or go to your hair dresser and ask for a blow out
and aske them to teach you
buy a flat iron from a local salon or drugstore
Straightner duh, shampoos%26amp;konditioners to straighten hair..don't work..I've tryed a lot of them.
You will need a really good straightner then.
[ chi is very very good]
Plus plus plus you need a heat protector stray.
Lol it may cost a 'bit' but it is worth it. trust me. It is.
using a straitening iron wont burn your hair or anything like that so you could try that
Why dont you buy a hair straightener. You can also get hair straightening shampoos and conditioners but i'm not sure if they work.I have curly hair.. how do i make it straight without using any medicines or creams..?
using a large round brush and a blow dryer.
start at the back and the bottom, the longest hair
and work your way to the front
takes a little practice
if you can watch split ends on tv
a reality show for hairstylists
or google straighten curley hair
it is easier to watch then do it
or go to your hair dresser and ask for a blow out
and aske them to teach you
buy a flat iron from a local salon or drugstore
Straightner duh, shampoos%26amp;konditioners to straighten hair..don't work..I've tryed a lot of them.
You will need a really good straightner then.
[ chi is very very good]
Plus plus plus you need a heat protector stray.
Lol it may cost a 'bit' but it is worth it. trust me. It is.
using a straitening iron wont burn your hair or anything like that so you could try that
How can i enlarge my breast size without using breast enhancement creams or medicines?
You get what you get. If you want to make them stand out more, you can try strengthening and toning your ';pecs';, your chest muscles.How can i enlarge my breast size without using breast enhancement creams or medicines?
Check out on your TV ';90210';How can i enlarge my breast size without using breast enhancement creams or medicines?
push up bras, underwires, padded bras
Get pregnant and then breast feed.
Plastic surgery? I think. IDK.
Ask your doctor. =)
Exercise to tone up your muscles, wear push up bra, wired bra and be happy with what you are now. Have a balance diet. Gain weight may have some effect too. Or get pregnant and breastfeed your child as long as you can. Breast enhancement creams or medicine will have a tempory effect for you. But you have to continue taking them. If you really want a real grow in size better go for implant.
How old are you? Breast size has so little to do with real life. It makes me sad to see young women make a fuss over something unimportant.
You can't. Keep fit and exercise and keep the muscles under them strong to keep them from sagging but you cannot increase the size of your breasts without implants. Even those creams and medicines don't really work - they are also not approved by the FDA usually and could even be dangerous. Why not accept what you have and deal with it? Not all guys like big breasts - most guys honestly don't care that much.
Check out on your TV ';90210';How can i enlarge my breast size without using breast enhancement creams or medicines?
push up bras, underwires, padded bras
Get pregnant and then breast feed.
Plastic surgery? I think. IDK.
Ask your doctor. =)
Exercise to tone up your muscles, wear push up bra, wired bra and be happy with what you are now. Have a balance diet. Gain weight may have some effect too. Or get pregnant and breastfeed your child as long as you can. Breast enhancement creams or medicine will have a tempory effect for you. But you have to continue taking them. If you really want a real grow in size better go for implant.
How old are you? Breast size has so little to do with real life. It makes me sad to see young women make a fuss over something unimportant.
You can't. Keep fit and exercise and keep the muscles under them strong to keep them from sagging but you cannot increase the size of your breasts without implants. Even those creams and medicines don't really work - they are also not approved by the FDA usually and could even be dangerous. Why not accept what you have and deal with it? Not all guys like big breasts - most guys honestly don't care that much.
blackness under eyes is related to lies,,i am not saying you are a lier but its true-or if you have multiple sex partners---HOW CAN i GET RID OF BLACKNESS UNDER THE EYES EVENTHOUGH i USED MANY COSMETICS, MEDICINES , CREAMS , VITAMINS.
Try the old-fashioned way of putting metal spoons in the freezer or fridge and putting them under your eyes
look the basic thing for loosing black circles is to have very good sleep. If you do not have these circles from your birth,which some peoples have, then i strongly suggest you to have a very relaxed and deep sleep at least 8-10 hours for a week at least. Look at the difference and then tell me. you can enhance this therepy by using a cream which i strongly cancontact me if you can.
blackness under eyes is related to lies,,i am not saying you are a lier but its true-or if you have multiple sex partners---HOW CAN i GET RID OF BLACKNESS UNDER THE EYES EVENTHOUGH i USED MANY COSMETICS, MEDICINES , CREAMS , VITAMINS.
Try the old-fashioned way of putting metal spoons in the freezer or fridge and putting them under your eyes
look the basic thing for loosing black circles is to have very good sleep. If you do not have these circles from your birth,which some peoples have, then i strongly suggest you to have a very relaxed and deep sleep at least 8-10 hours for a week at least. Look at the difference and then tell me. you can enhance this therepy by using a cream which i strongly cancontact me if you can.
I have purchased many different creams and medicines to add length and width to my penis. Nothing works.?
When I masturbate frequently with friends, then it seems to get bigger and stronger. Has anyone anymore ideas? I am the standard 6'; and quite thick but would like more as well as more semen.I have purchased many different creams and medicines to add length and width to my penis. Nothing works.?
Perhaps - and this is only a thought (it says here) - that your friends aren't doing it properly for you. Tell them that they shouldn't really be wearing those spiked gloves when they ';work'; on you - oh, and by the way, another good fairy tale is ';Snow White';.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!I have purchased many different creams and medicines to add length and width to my penis. Nothing works.?
if u triedd everthing then keep maturbatin goodluck
I didn't know that they did group therapy like that ;)
You jerk off with friends? You're a polesmoker buddy.
what sort of ';friends'; are we talking about here.
nothing will work, thats all a farse. the only thing that will is surgery. youre fine. theres nothing wrong with average. nothing at all. learn some new tricks, thats much better than having a big tool you dont know how to use. besides too big is no good. leave it alone you might do damage
Remember penile erection is caused by an increase amount of blood in the tissues of the penis(corpora cavernosa and corpora spongiosum). The more blood flows in the bigger , longer and harder it gets.Besides this is the mode of action of the famous blue pill.
There is one way in which you can improve the blood flow .There is a muscle called the 'levator ani' whose intermittent contraction
and relaxation may help to pump more blood in the penile tissues.You can train these muscles with multiple sets of ten repetitions during the day. Within 2 weeks you will start feeling and seeing the difference.
The exercise consists of contracting the anal muscles by trying to appose, with maximum force, the buttocks.You can actually feel the blood rushing in the penis.Keep the contraction for as long as you can and relax.Do 10 repetitions per set and keep doing the sets as many times as you can in a day .You can do it anywhere ,whilesitting,standing etc
Regarding the amount of sperm you will need to decrease the number of masturbation you do .The effect is quick.
Learn to train the levetor ani muscle and both you and your partner will love it.
This advise is not for sale!
No medicine in this world can help you increase the size of your penis. Surgery is the only option, and it is not 100% guaranteed either.
and you honestly think that creams will work. advertising got your money hey..........
too bad
How fragile the male ego is!
Your penis size (while erect) is based on blood pressure. You can experiment with your blood vessels by trapping the blood flow -out- of your penis so that blood only flows -into- your penis. Be careful, however, you can actually damage your penis this way. (So don't do things like tie rubber bands around your penis.)
its o k don't go for big. have quality.too much of everything is bad.masturbating is not a thing to be done publicly.keep it secret.until you marry you may enjoy it,but not with friends.for size,are you going for exhibition.???
no wonder it will not work 6 in is more than enough i am 6 and enjoyed good sex will many women no complains from them so enjoy what you have and have fun
I'm sorry for what you consider to be a 'standard' size. Going by my previous boyfriends you would be considered the 'runt of the litter'
I suggest keep masturbating with your friends, for personal enjoyment at least
accept what you were born with ,simple the yanks try body fat in penis but it will soon go.we are not like women plastic **** unless your a sex change.
That's right nothing I repeat nothing will enlarge you penis.
Don't bother trying to stretch it or anything all they do is ruin the muscles and tissue around and hold the penis.
You cannot make your penis bigger but you can enlarge your brain and once that is larger so will be your penis.
So learn to love what you have at least your not 4'; like billions of guy and get healthy in your mind about your body and eventually you will realize your penis is awesome and will bring you much pleasure and you partner much pleasure.
You need to go to court and sue the manufacturers of these products. Get in front of a judge and jury and proclaim..';Your honor, I have a very small penis. I tried these products and they didn't work. My penis is still very small.'; Maybe you can get some money out of it.
haven't you wasted enough money on this....and who says there is a standard size? Your brain righ now is about the size of your penis...and it ain't getting any bigger masturbating all day.
You've got it...nothing works...just accept what you have.
It won't work!!
6' is not's huge!!
Masturbate with friends?? R u gay or something??? Or just doing it for the fun of it??
Come on, the bigger it gets, the more damage it will inflict on the vagina or ********.
Remember the moto, its not the length or size its what can do with it!!!
no cream or anything like that works no tablet no penis pullers no nothing its all bull, i mean u can try stretching excerises but it only helps a lil, if u want more ***,, you gonna have to lay of wanking a bit , as wanking can make ur penis look smaller,, i would say laff of ur d i c k for at least a week then see what happens , maybe ur overdoing best of luck
Accept your penis the way it is! what is wrong with a 6 incher- its what u do with it that counts.
stop wasting your money, i'm sure you are okay, it's quality,n ot quantity that counts.
Smash your dick with a 5 pound club hammer and watch it swell
fact grandma's vanilla cream cookies (the ones u buy at the store ';grandma's'; brand) that will help with the semem. proved this while at college, as far as ur size blame ur father......
at 6 inches you are already above average so why would you want to make your penis any longer. If you think a big one is better, think again; lots of guys with really big ones are lousy lovers because they think their size will make up for their inability to learn to use it well. So relax, keep masturbating with friends and enjoy life. Oh, and make sure you learn to please not only yrouself but yoru future sexmate too. Mutual pleasuer is the name of the game and the better you are at it, the better your relationship will be (and this is true for you and all gyuys whethe raverage, above or below).
if you want more semen dont masterbate for a few days but if you want a bigger more thicker penis then surgery is the only true answer
Perhaps - and this is only a thought (it says here) - that your friends aren't doing it properly for you. Tell them that they shouldn't really be wearing those spiked gloves when they ';work'; on you - oh, and by the way, another good fairy tale is ';Snow White';.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!I have purchased many different creams and medicines to add length and width to my penis. Nothing works.?
if u triedd everthing then keep maturbatin goodluck
I didn't know that they did group therapy like that ;)
You jerk off with friends? You're a polesmoker buddy.
what sort of ';friends'; are we talking about here.
nothing will work, thats all a farse. the only thing that will is surgery. youre fine. theres nothing wrong with average. nothing at all. learn some new tricks, thats much better than having a big tool you dont know how to use. besides too big is no good. leave it alone you might do damage
Remember penile erection is caused by an increase amount of blood in the tissues of the penis(corpora cavernosa and corpora spongiosum). The more blood flows in the bigger , longer and harder it gets.Besides this is the mode of action of the famous blue pill.
There is one way in which you can improve the blood flow .There is a muscle called the 'levator ani' whose intermittent contraction
and relaxation may help to pump more blood in the penile tissues.You can train these muscles with multiple sets of ten repetitions during the day. Within 2 weeks you will start feeling and seeing the difference.
The exercise consists of contracting the anal muscles by trying to appose, with maximum force, the buttocks.You can actually feel the blood rushing in the penis.Keep the contraction for as long as you can and relax.Do 10 repetitions per set and keep doing the sets as many times as you can in a day .You can do it anywhere ,whilesitting,standing etc
Regarding the amount of sperm you will need to decrease the number of masturbation you do .The effect is quick.
Learn to train the levetor ani muscle and both you and your partner will love it.
This advise is not for sale!
No medicine in this world can help you increase the size of your penis. Surgery is the only option, and it is not 100% guaranteed either.
and you honestly think that creams will work. advertising got your money hey..........
too bad
How fragile the male ego is!
Your penis size (while erect) is based on blood pressure. You can experiment with your blood vessels by trapping the blood flow -out- of your penis so that blood only flows -into- your penis. Be careful, however, you can actually damage your penis this way. (So don't do things like tie rubber bands around your penis.)
its o k don't go for big. have quality.too much of everything is bad.masturbating is not a thing to be done publicly.keep it secret.until you marry you may enjoy it,but not with friends.for size,are you going for exhibition.???
no wonder it will not work 6 in is more than enough i am 6 and enjoyed good sex will many women no complains from them so enjoy what you have and have fun
I'm sorry for what you consider to be a 'standard' size. Going by my previous boyfriends you would be considered the 'runt of the litter'
I suggest keep masturbating with your friends, for personal enjoyment at least
accept what you were born with ,simple the yanks try body fat in penis but it will soon go.we are not like women plastic **** unless your a sex change.
That's right nothing I repeat nothing will enlarge you penis.
Don't bother trying to stretch it or anything all they do is ruin the muscles and tissue around and hold the penis.
You cannot make your penis bigger but you can enlarge your brain and once that is larger so will be your penis.
So learn to love what you have at least your not 4'; like billions of guy and get healthy in your mind about your body and eventually you will realize your penis is awesome and will bring you much pleasure and you partner much pleasure.
You need to go to court and sue the manufacturers of these products. Get in front of a judge and jury and proclaim..';Your honor, I have a very small penis. I tried these products and they didn't work. My penis is still very small.'; Maybe you can get some money out of it.
haven't you wasted enough money on this....and who says there is a standard size? Your brain righ now is about the size of your penis...and it ain't getting any bigger masturbating all day.
You've got it...nothing works...just accept what you have.
It won't work!!
6' is not's huge!!
Masturbate with friends?? R u gay or something??? Or just doing it for the fun of it??
Come on, the bigger it gets, the more damage it will inflict on the vagina or ********.
Remember the moto, its not the length or size its what can do with it!!!
no cream or anything like that works no tablet no penis pullers no nothing its all bull, i mean u can try stretching excerises but it only helps a lil, if u want more ***,, you gonna have to lay of wanking a bit , as wanking can make ur penis look smaller,, i would say laff of ur d i c k for at least a week then see what happens , maybe ur overdoing best of luck
Accept your penis the way it is! what is wrong with a 6 incher- its what u do with it that counts.
stop wasting your money, i'm sure you are okay, it's quality,n ot quantity that counts.
Smash your dick with a 5 pound club hammer and watch it swell
fact grandma's vanilla cream cookies (the ones u buy at the store ';grandma's'; brand) that will help with the semem. proved this while at college, as far as ur size blame ur father......
at 6 inches you are already above average so why would you want to make your penis any longer. If you think a big one is better, think again; lots of guys with really big ones are lousy lovers because they think their size will make up for their inability to learn to use it well. So relax, keep masturbating with friends and enjoy life. Oh, and make sure you learn to please not only yrouself but yoru future sexmate too. Mutual pleasuer is the name of the game and the better you are at it, the better your relationship will be (and this is true for you and all gyuys whethe raverage, above or below).
if you want more semen dont masterbate for a few days but if you want a bigger more thicker penis then surgery is the only true answer
Iam suffering from itching tell me about some creams, medicines that i should prefer?
There are two reasons why this is not the right place to pose this question.
First - you don't say where the itch is.
Secondly - only a doctor or a nurse is the right person to give medical advice.Iam suffering from itching tell me about some creams, medicines that i should prefer?
oatmeal bath you can find it at walmart also benadryl allergy antihistamine helps greatlyIam suffering from itching tell me about some creams, medicines that i should prefer?
This depends on where your itchy and why
Aveeno soap works great!
First - you don't say where the itch is.
Secondly - only a doctor or a nurse is the right person to give medical advice.Iam suffering from itching tell me about some creams, medicines that i should prefer?
oatmeal bath you can find it at walmart also benadryl allergy antihistamine helps greatlyIam suffering from itching tell me about some creams, medicines that i should prefer?
This depends on where your itchy and why
Aveeno soap works great!
Any creams or medicines to lighten/get rid of chicken pox scars?
The tried and worked on different types of scars is a Ayrwedic medicine am not sure if it will work on chicken pox scars but you may give a try as ther are no side effects and only good effects are found
Take 50 gms of cow butter. heat it and form ghee.
wash it 100 times with fresh water every time min 100 mls. each time. this will form a SHATDHOUT GHRUT. add about 75 gms of termeric powder mix well apply it on the scars. use the cream so formed atleast for three weks. and I feel you will be scars free. ( please note try using chana dal powder instead of soap a Ritha powder will halp better)Any creams or medicines to lighten/get rid of chicken pox scars?
try cocoa butter lotion. they say to use it on stretch marks so it should work on scars for that also
KandiAny creams or medicines to lighten/get rid of chicken pox scars?
read tips on reducing scars and more on skincare on this site
Mederma from the drug store
vitamin e oil
ummm Maderma
i have a nice one on my forehead i shoulda asked this
Yes, vitamin e oil is an excellent way to lighten/get rid of scars...especially stretch marks...but I see no reason it would not work on chicken pox scars...since it worked quite well on surgical scars for me.
Vitamin E gel caps or creams rubbed on scars has been know to lighten them.
Vitamin E is the healer vitamin
I use alo it works for everything, or scar away, have to live with it
Try maderma...(I think I misspelled that)cute myspace
Take 50 gms of cow butter. heat it and form ghee.
wash it 100 times with fresh water every time min 100 mls. each time. this will form a SHATDHOUT GHRUT. add about 75 gms of termeric powder mix well apply it on the scars. use the cream so formed atleast for three weks. and I feel you will be scars free. ( please note try using chana dal powder instead of soap a Ritha powder will halp better)Any creams or medicines to lighten/get rid of chicken pox scars?
try cocoa butter lotion. they say to use it on stretch marks so it should work on scars for that also
KandiAny creams or medicines to lighten/get rid of chicken pox scars?
read tips on reducing scars and more on skincare on this site
Mederma from the drug store
vitamin e oil
ummm Maderma
i have a nice one on my forehead i shoulda asked this
Yes, vitamin e oil is an excellent way to lighten/get rid of scars...especially stretch marks...but I see no reason it would not work on chicken pox scars...since it worked quite well on surgical scars for me.
Vitamin E gel caps or creams rubbed on scars has been know to lighten them.
Vitamin E is the healer vitamin
I use alo it works for everything, or scar away, have to live with it
Try maderma...(I think I misspelled that)
How do you get rid of a yeast infection in a man WITHOUT medicine, creams, etc.?
So I've looked up some info and have basically come to the conclusion that I have a Penile yeast infection. I was wondering if there are any normal cures for it, without using any kind of medicine you would have to buy, such as one meant for woman that can be used on men.
P.S. I am uncircumcised and so its the foreskin that is irritated and I cant pull it down the head which I normally can. YES I'm a man, dont ask about the Avatar or Screen Name.How do you get rid of a yeast infection in a man WITHOUT medicine, creams, etc.?
You need to go to the doctor because that yeast infection can spread to other warm parts of your body.
Your doctor will likely prescribe Difulcan.
Don't be shy about this, seek professional help....How do you get rid of a yeast infection in a man WITHOUT medicine, creams, etc.?
Acidophilis and Bifidis, take a capsule every day or eat yogurt every day with acidophilis and bifidis cultures. Should clear you up in a week or so. Keep taking them to fight off further yeast problems.
Like a man who is his own attorney-the man who self diagnoses his own willie disorder has a fool for a client.
Yeast infection can be gotten rid of by eating certain foods that contain chemicals which will help in various ways. It seems there is one cure available as quite a comprehensive eBook product.
Check it out at the website below.
I agree with the youghurt idea (eating and I think you can put it on the, the over-the-counter yeast infection cream idea, or the doctor idea if it doesn't go away. Good luck and ignore the pro-circumcision loonies.
i 200 % agree with andrew k. yo ushould just go for circumscision it wil lsolve all your problem
I'm not really aware of any home remedies that exist. Avoid sweets and starches, which can make the situation worse. Steroids can also make it worse.
My husband gets them sometimes, since he's diabetic. His doctor seemed to suggest that it is a problem for uncircumcised men to get yeast infections - the foreskin can tear because of the swelling, dryness, and lack of the skin being able to move around when needed - and that can of course create a situation where bacteria can be a problem and other infections could occur, not to mention that it's painful.
If my husband's infections have been mild, they sometimes go away of their own accord after a few days. But more usually he ends up needing to go to the doctor to get a prescription. They clear up much faster with medication anyway, so it's a preferable solution to just sitting around waiting for it to work itself out.
A doctor might suggest circumcision - my husband's doctor did - but unless this becomes a regular problem for you that you really can't handle, you really don't need to bother considering it. It's an extreme measure, and rarely a necessity.
go to the doctor and get an antibiotic
I suppose you could try natural, living-culture yoghurt but really it's simpler to just go to the pharmacy and get an over-the-counter cream designed for women's genitals. There are also oral pills that can also be bought over the counter but don't use them in combination without advice from the pharmacist.
dude you need to see a MD to get a perscription. If your pee pee gets to infected you will have a seriously difficult time with swelling and getting that foreskin down. Antibiotics kills infections. They are pretty cheap too. Dude go to the ER and get that thing fixed now!
First of all, unless you like living like a person from the 3rd world, get yourself circumcised!! Now, the only option is for you to go to the doctor! Don't be stupid! (If you don't do anything it WILL fall off!)
P.S. I am uncircumcised and so its the foreskin that is irritated and I cant pull it down the head which I normally can. YES I'm a man, dont ask about the Avatar or Screen Name.How do you get rid of a yeast infection in a man WITHOUT medicine, creams, etc.?
You need to go to the doctor because that yeast infection can spread to other warm parts of your body.
Your doctor will likely prescribe Difulcan.
Don't be shy about this, seek professional help....How do you get rid of a yeast infection in a man WITHOUT medicine, creams, etc.?
Acidophilis and Bifidis, take a capsule every day or eat yogurt every day with acidophilis and bifidis cultures. Should clear you up in a week or so. Keep taking them to fight off further yeast problems.
Like a man who is his own attorney-the man who self diagnoses his own willie disorder has a fool for a client.
Yeast infection can be gotten rid of by eating certain foods that contain chemicals which will help in various ways. It seems there is one cure available as quite a comprehensive eBook product.
Check it out at the website below.
I agree with the youghurt idea (eating and I think you can put it on the, the over-the-counter yeast infection cream idea, or the doctor idea if it doesn't go away. Good luck and ignore the pro-circumcision loonies.
i 200 % agree with andrew k. yo ushould just go for circumscision it wil lsolve all your problem
I'm not really aware of any home remedies that exist. Avoid sweets and starches, which can make the situation worse. Steroids can also make it worse.
My husband gets them sometimes, since he's diabetic. His doctor seemed to suggest that it is a problem for uncircumcised men to get yeast infections - the foreskin can tear because of the swelling, dryness, and lack of the skin being able to move around when needed - and that can of course create a situation where bacteria can be a problem and other infections could occur, not to mention that it's painful.
If my husband's infections have been mild, they sometimes go away of their own accord after a few days. But more usually he ends up needing to go to the doctor to get a prescription. They clear up much faster with medication anyway, so it's a preferable solution to just sitting around waiting for it to work itself out.
A doctor might suggest circumcision - my husband's doctor did - but unless this becomes a regular problem for you that you really can't handle, you really don't need to bother considering it. It's an extreme measure, and rarely a necessity.
go to the doctor and get an antibiotic
I suppose you could try natural, living-culture yoghurt but really it's simpler to just go to the pharmacy and get an over-the-counter cream designed for women's genitals. There are also oral pills that can also be bought over the counter but don't use them in combination without advice from the pharmacist.
dude you need to see a MD to get a perscription. If your pee pee gets to infected you will have a seriously difficult time with swelling and getting that foreskin down. Antibiotics kills infections. They are pretty cheap too. Dude go to the ER and get that thing fixed now!
First of all, unless you like living like a person from the 3rd world, get yourself circumcised!! Now, the only option is for you to go to the doctor! Don't be stupid! (If you don't do anything it WILL fall off!)
What is the best medicine/creams for Psoriasis?. All replies appreciated..?
Psoriasis sufferer, would appreciate any help... thank you.What is the best medicine/creams for Psoriasis?. All replies appreciated..?
Hi, I have psoriasis... and i swear by Dovobet. Its a cream/gel that you apply directly to the affected area. Sometimes i'm too lazy to put it on (my psoriasis are mainly on my stomach and back, so I can get away with them being flared up), and so my psoriasis will get worse...but the day I remember to put that cream on, the psoriasis are more or less gone in 1 or 2 days...its great. The doctor also gave me 'doublebase' cream...its a moisturiser for all over your body, not just the affected area, but it helps. But as the above answerer said, E45 may just be as good!
I know everyone responds differently to different treatments, but do really try that cream! I went for a long time before discovering it. Oh and also sun treatment really if you have any money, book a holiday abroad! got rid of mine when I was younger... only temporarily unfortunately.
Good luck :)What is the best medicine/creams for Psoriasis?. All replies appreciated..?
try chinise medicine it helped me its expensive but worth it Report Abuse
There are thousand of different treatment options are available for Psoriasis. About non of them you may ask that it is best for you, regarding the treatmen of Psoriasis.
Because if a medicine is better for you, dose not mean that it is effective for all patient.
My friend has psoriasis, she always attended hospital on a regular basis for sun treatment and used E.45 daily, she is now on medication which she said is excellent her problem has cleared up completely, however you must be past child bearing age to use this medication.
Eczema is sometimes caused by eating things like shellfish, or sometimes caused by stress.
Here is how they treat eczema in Japan. It really works, I have seen two people improve his skin condition too.鈥?/a>
You can get the water for free. Place a wanted add in Craigslist for 8.5 PH drinking water. Someone might answer the add, and be able to provide the 8.5 PH water and the 2.5 PH water to treat the skin.
Good Luck!
Hi, I have psoriasis... and i swear by Dovobet. Its a cream/gel that you apply directly to the affected area. Sometimes i'm too lazy to put it on (my psoriasis are mainly on my stomach and back, so I can get away with them being flared up), and so my psoriasis will get worse...but the day I remember to put that cream on, the psoriasis are more or less gone in 1 or 2 days...its great. The doctor also gave me 'doublebase' cream...its a moisturiser for all over your body, not just the affected area, but it helps. But as the above answerer said, E45 may just be as good!
I know everyone responds differently to different treatments, but do really try that cream! I went for a long time before discovering it. Oh and also sun treatment really if you have any money, book a holiday abroad! got rid of mine when I was younger... only temporarily unfortunately.
Good luck :)What is the best medicine/creams for Psoriasis?. All replies appreciated..?
try chinise medicine it helped me its expensive but worth it Report Abuse
There are thousand of different treatment options are available for Psoriasis. About non of them you may ask that it is best for you, regarding the treatmen of Psoriasis.
Because if a medicine is better for you, dose not mean that it is effective for all patient.
My friend has psoriasis, she always attended hospital on a regular basis for sun treatment and used E.45 daily, she is now on medication which she said is excellent her problem has cleared up completely, however you must be past child bearing age to use this medication.
Eczema is sometimes caused by eating things like shellfish, or sometimes caused by stress.
Here is how they treat eczema in Japan. It really works, I have seen two people improve his skin condition too.鈥?/a>
You can get the water for free. Place a wanted add in Craigslist for 8.5 PH drinking water. Someone might answer the add, and be able to provide the 8.5 PH water and the 2.5 PH water to treat the skin.
Good Luck!
How to cure wounds on foreskin of penis happened during sex. Please suggest medicines and antiseptice cream?
Neosporin antibiotic ointment.....and avoid sex for a few weeks!How to cure wounds on foreskin of penis happened during sex. Please suggest medicines and antiseptice cream?
Probably leaving it alone and giving it time to rest would be best. If you want to use a cream try something like Savlon that is supposed to help with healing.How to cure wounds on foreskin of penis happened during sex. Please suggest medicines and antiseptice cream?
Ok, Try putting Vaseline gel on it now AND before you go again! Hope this helps!
Probably leaving it alone and giving it time to rest would be best. If you want to use a cream try something like Savlon that is supposed to help with healing.How to cure wounds on foreskin of penis happened during sex. Please suggest medicines and antiseptice cream?
Ok, Try putting Vaseline gel on it now AND before you go again! Hope this helps!
What if you live in an assisted living and you have some over the counter medicines, creams and so on and....?
when you leave for 2 days on christmas and lock your door. The staff goes in and cleans out all your creams and so on. Not telling you anything about it. Is this a legal issue or ethical and what can be done about this?What if you live in an assisted living and you have some over the counter medicines, creams and so on and....?
Technically in an assisted living facility ANY medications, prescription or not, should be kept in the medication cart or cabinet by the staff. Having them in the room is a liability and it's too easy for others to raid. Not to mention all medications need to be monitored and dispensed only by delegated staff. However the staff should have been professional enough to discuss the situation with the resident instead of simply removing them from the room.
Technically in an assisted living facility ANY medications, prescription or not, should be kept in the medication cart or cabinet by the staff. Having them in the room is a liability and it's too easy for others to raid. Not to mention all medications need to be monitored and dispensed only by delegated staff. However the staff should have been professional enough to discuss the situation with the resident instead of simply removing them from the room.
Cant get rid of my jock itch, its allergy, what medicines or cream must i take?
it keeps on coming back, i take abath 3 times a day, how can i get rid of it. It leaves black mark alreadyCant get rid of my jock itch, its allergy, what medicines or cream must i take?
Continue to apply anti-fungal ointment for few weeks more even after complete cure. Traditionally creams containing clotrimazole or miconazole have been used, although newer agents such as butenafine are also used. Change your undergarments frequently and wash the same in hot water and dry them in sunshine.
Please see the web pages for more details on Jock itch.
Continue to apply anti-fungal ointment for few weeks more even after complete cure. Traditionally creams containing clotrimazole or miconazole have been used, although newer agents such as butenafine are also used. Change your undergarments frequently and wash the same in hot water and dry them in sunshine.
Please see the web pages for more details on Jock itch.
Some kind of ice cream that can be used as a medicine for diabetic patients.Where could I get the details?
few days ago,there was a ad in the HINDU news paper regarding thisSome kind of ice cream that can be used as a medicine for diabetic patients.Where could I get the details?
Dr. Michael Singer, a Texas ophthalmologist, spends his days treating patients who suffer from diabetes-related complications. He also volunteers his time at Camp Independence, a special camp in Texas for children who have diabetes. When Dr. Singer asked them to describe the most difficult aspect of being diabetic, hands down, the answer was NO ice cream!
That got the wheels in Dr. Singer's head spinning...and began a 5 year quest to develop an ice cream that diabetics CAN eat without the fear of raising their blood sugar levels. In the process, he also developed a healthier, great tasting ice cream for all of us! Four net carbs, low fat, low calorie and NO Sugar alcohol syndrome!
Today, that ice cream--il Dolce Futuro鈩?-is now on the market. Unlike other low fat, low sugar, low carb ice creams on the market--this one not only tastes as creamy and delicious as the more fattening also uses NO sugar OR sugar alcohols. If you're familiar with sugar alcohols you know that they have an unpleasant aftertaste and can cause all sorts of unpleasant digestive side effects. I was with Dr. Singer during a recent sample event at Central Market and people couldn't believe there was NO added sugar in the ice cream. They loved it.
IT WILL BE SOON AVAILABLE IN INDIAN MARKETS......Some kind of ice cream that can be used as a medicine for diabetic patients.Where could I get the details?
check out this recipe. see the link below
u mean sugar free. sorry cant help...cute myspace
Dr. Michael Singer, a Texas ophthalmologist, spends his days treating patients who suffer from diabetes-related complications. He also volunteers his time at Camp Independence, a special camp in Texas for children who have diabetes. When Dr. Singer asked them to describe the most difficult aspect of being diabetic, hands down, the answer was NO ice cream!
That got the wheels in Dr. Singer's head spinning...and began a 5 year quest to develop an ice cream that diabetics CAN eat without the fear of raising their blood sugar levels. In the process, he also developed a healthier, great tasting ice cream for all of us! Four net carbs, low fat, low calorie and NO Sugar alcohol syndrome!
Today, that ice cream--il Dolce Futuro鈩?-is now on the market. Unlike other low fat, low sugar, low carb ice creams on the market--this one not only tastes as creamy and delicious as the more fattening also uses NO sugar OR sugar alcohols. If you're familiar with sugar alcohols you know that they have an unpleasant aftertaste and can cause all sorts of unpleasant digestive side effects. I was with Dr. Singer during a recent sample event at Central Market and people couldn't believe there was NO added sugar in the ice cream. They loved it.
IT WILL BE SOON AVAILABLE IN INDIAN MARKETS......Some kind of ice cream that can be used as a medicine for diabetic patients.Where could I get the details?
check out this recipe. see the link below
u mean sugar free. sorry cant help...
What are some really good medicines, creams, or cover ups that I can use for my acne?
I've had acne for about 4 years, and I really want it to go away... for good!
Please tell me about your own experiances and good things to help it.What are some really good medicines, creams, or cover ups that I can use for my acne?
proactive was the only thing that worked for me . i have had acne for about 6 years and tried about everything out there , proactive cleared it up fast and it has not returned .just don't stop using it.What are some really good medicines, creams, or cover ups that I can use for my acne?
i used the murad ance complex. the stuff worked but i didn't like the way it smelled so i got rid of it. now i use St.eves apricot scrub and face mask. i also use stridex pads. oh btw im 15 with oily skin.
Well Nikki here are some things you can do:
1. You can get monthly facials to clean your face. While you do that use 3x per week a mask, I recommend mask products that use mudd in their ingredients. If your problem is more severe:
2. There are Laser facials that get all the acne out, even the color of your face and eliminate brown spots from the sun. This treatment cost around $130 and you have to do like 3-6 treatments to get your face completely clean but it really works. Also this treatment eliminate the hair in the face so your face will be even more clear and clean.
3. If any of the above doesn't work, go to a dermatologist so he/she can recommend a cream or gel for the acne.
For daily treatment of the Acne, I don't recommend ProActive, I was using it and it looks like the acne was gone but when I touched my face I could feel the bumps inside. I had to do a Laser facial to get them really out. That's why people have to keep using it because when you stop even for one day the acne inside try to come out. I have friends that had the same problem with ProActive.
oxy face scrub.
My sister has the same problem and she brought this stuff from Walmart called Ance Free and it seems to work pretty well.
if you haven't tried proactive try it i have friends it worked really good on
to be honest ive never had an extreme problem with acne, but whenever i get a single or a patch of zits i put a dot of whitening toothpaste on them. seriously. and it works, do it for a couple days and leave it on for about 5 minutes. you can feel it work!! good luck!!! let me know what you think..
Ok, I know this sounds odd, but I tried this after I heard about it on a talk show like Rachel Ray. Take a tea bag of green tea and rub it on your face. Green tea apparently has natural antibacterial properties. I tried it and it worked. Also, a good make up is Bare Minerals. It also is good for the complection. You can buy it off an infomercial or on the internet. Good luck.
Follows these rules n u will have flawless skin
1st try not to touch ur face as much only win applying makeup.
2nd Use concealer to hide the acne
3rd buy makeup remover
4th buy a acne product to improve the acne i would sujest St.Ives Apricot Scrub it amazing with all skin types
5th drink lots of water u will be surpried at the outcome
The make up for ever professional line is excellent! it's a concealer that stays on forever!! you can get it at sephora. i've always have problems with acne and i know this is going to sound sooo old but just drink water. i have the clearest skin right now because i drink about 20 glasses a day. It's the best medicine.
Please tell me about your own experiances and good things to help it.What are some really good medicines, creams, or cover ups that I can use for my acne?
proactive was the only thing that worked for me . i have had acne for about 6 years and tried about everything out there , proactive cleared it up fast and it has not returned .just don't stop using it.What are some really good medicines, creams, or cover ups that I can use for my acne?
i used the murad ance complex. the stuff worked but i didn't like the way it smelled so i got rid of it. now i use St.eves apricot scrub and face mask. i also use stridex pads. oh btw im 15 with oily skin.
Well Nikki here are some things you can do:
1. You can get monthly facials to clean your face. While you do that use 3x per week a mask, I recommend mask products that use mudd in their ingredients. If your problem is more severe:
2. There are Laser facials that get all the acne out, even the color of your face and eliminate brown spots from the sun. This treatment cost around $130 and you have to do like 3-6 treatments to get your face completely clean but it really works. Also this treatment eliminate the hair in the face so your face will be even more clear and clean.
3. If any of the above doesn't work, go to a dermatologist so he/she can recommend a cream or gel for the acne.
For daily treatment of the Acne, I don't recommend ProActive, I was using it and it looks like the acne was gone but when I touched my face I could feel the bumps inside. I had to do a Laser facial to get them really out. That's why people have to keep using it because when you stop even for one day the acne inside try to come out. I have friends that had the same problem with ProActive.
oxy face scrub.
My sister has the same problem and she brought this stuff from Walmart called Ance Free and it seems to work pretty well.
if you haven't tried proactive try it i have friends it worked really good on
to be honest ive never had an extreme problem with acne, but whenever i get a single or a patch of zits i put a dot of whitening toothpaste on them. seriously. and it works, do it for a couple days and leave it on for about 5 minutes. you can feel it work!! good luck!!! let me know what you think..
Ok, I know this sounds odd, but I tried this after I heard about it on a talk show like Rachel Ray. Take a tea bag of green tea and rub it on your face. Green tea apparently has natural antibacterial properties. I tried it and it worked. Also, a good make up is Bare Minerals. It also is good for the complection. You can buy it off an infomercial or on the internet. Good luck.
Follows these rules n u will have flawless skin
1st try not to touch ur face as much only win applying makeup.
2nd Use concealer to hide the acne
3rd buy makeup remover
4th buy a acne product to improve the acne i would sujest St.Ives Apricot Scrub it amazing with all skin types
5th drink lots of water u will be surpried at the outcome
The make up for ever professional line is excellent! it's a concealer that stays on forever!! you can get it at sephora. i've always have problems with acne and i know this is going to sound sooo old but just drink water. i have the clearest skin right now because i drink about 20 glasses a day. It's the best medicine.
What is the sidha medicine pack for breast reduction? Can i use anti cellulite creams there?
Please help me,,iam very much suffering from this problem.What is the sidha medicine pack for breast reduction? Can i use anti cellulite creams there?
superbgirl, Last month my cousin underwent a breast reduction operation and she's really happy with the results. In my state a there are certain plastic surgeons that are better than others. I'd consult cosmetic surgeons in your area and see what sort of success they have had with past clients. They should be able to answer your questions.What is the sidha medicine pack for breast reduction? Can i use anti cellulite creams there?
The only thing that really works is surgery. The rest are scams. If that really worked, it would be fairly popular, and noone would be fighting with insurance companies to cover.
superbgirl, Last month my cousin underwent a breast reduction operation and she's really happy with the results. In my state a there are certain plastic surgeons that are better than others. I'd consult cosmetic surgeons in your area and see what sort of success they have had with past clients. They should be able to answer your questions.What is the sidha medicine pack for breast reduction? Can i use anti cellulite creams there?
The only thing that really works is surgery. The rest are scams. If that really worked, it would be fairly popular, and noone would be fighting with insurance companies to cover.
How To Eliminate Eczema Without The Use Of Steroids, ';Miracle Creams'; Or Any Bitter Medicine That ur Mum make?
From my research and finding, I've discovered the most important aspect about healing: Healing should come from within. Your eczema is a sign of high acidity and toxicity of your inner body, DO YOU KNOW THAT?How To Eliminate Eczema Without The Use Of Steroids, ';Miracle Creams'; Or Any Bitter Medicine That ur Mum make?
Ay, Victor, Victor. Tell us more, please. About your research and finding. Is it something ur Mum makes?How To Eliminate Eczema Without The Use Of Steroids, ';Miracle Creams'; Or Any Bitter Medicine That ur Mum make?
It will stay with your for life. Eczema is a serious disease. I used to have eczema on my crotch lol. But you said it right, you have to heal it from within, catch me on and i can help you in doing reiki, yoga, chakra or some **** like that. I have reduced my eczema like this only. Also there is no benefit using miracle creams, etc., that's some stupid ****.
I use to have eczema when I was younger and I found that bathing with Lever 2000 soap and putting on non-scented lotion after showers really helped. Just make sure you don't itch it and clean the area you itch with soap and water because if you itch too much it will get crusty and really gross...hope it works!
Herbal remedies from do exactly what you wrote. I use serenaskin anti-eczema treatment and it works for me very well. Cream and spray cleared my skin and now I just take anti-eczema extract to keep immune system balanced, so it won't trigger the flare-ups. I'm happy with the results.
Ay, Victor, Victor. Tell us more, please. About your research and finding. Is it something ur Mum makes?How To Eliminate Eczema Without The Use Of Steroids, ';Miracle Creams'; Or Any Bitter Medicine That ur Mum make?
It will stay with your for life. Eczema is a serious disease. I used to have eczema on my crotch lol. But you said it right, you have to heal it from within, catch me on and i can help you in doing reiki, yoga, chakra or some **** like that. I have reduced my eczema like this only. Also there is no benefit using miracle creams, etc., that's some stupid ****.
I use to have eczema when I was younger and I found that bathing with Lever 2000 soap and putting on non-scented lotion after showers really helped. Just make sure you don't itch it and clean the area you itch with soap and water because if you itch too much it will get crusty and really gross...hope it works!
Herbal remedies from do exactly what you wrote. I use serenaskin anti-eczema treatment and it works for me very well. Cream and spray cleared my skin and now I just take anti-eczema extract to keep immune system balanced, so it won't trigger the flare-ups. I'm happy with the results.
Survey: Do you keep your cat's ear medicine in the fridge next to the whip cream and nipple ointment or...? a cool dry place like next to the cereal and grandmother's ashes?Survey: Do you keep your cat's ear medicine in the fridge next to the whip cream and nipple ointment or...?
You know if you'd just keep your tongue in there longer, I wouldn't get the waxy build up.Survey: Do you keep your cat's ear medicine in the fridge next to the whip cream and nipple ointment or...?
Strewth, Tim - the competition for most witty %26amp; fun-lovin' answer is monstrous stiff here tonight, my friend!
Originally my own attempt was to be something that relied for comedy effect on simply going one step more shocking than yourself in the 'disgusting concept' stakes; you know the kind of thing - ';Oh, I keep my cat's nipples next to the haemorrhoid ointment in the children's lunchbox, Tim!';
But now, having sampled the rapier wit of contributors like OldSchool and Vanessa, well, I think I'd better just stick to awarding thumb-ups to the genius of others.
Credit where credit is due, I say!
Whip cream? I'll bet you say ';mash potatoes,'; too. Or do you mean cream for your whip? Either way, it's all discusting. Find something better to do with your time!
Edit: btw, wtf?
Edit edit: Maggie, I'm always like this when I've run out of nipple ointment.
First of all, I don't have nipple ointment in the fridge.... I just get it when I need it from my Montgomery Gland.
Second, Grandmother isn't dead, but I do have a canister with her nail clippings next to my roommates Cheetos.
Third, I don't have a cat... blaaa.
I don't understand the nonsense of this question. But to answer this ridiculous question I'll tell you that we keep my cats ear medicine in a dry place on a shelf in the bedroom.
Do not have a cat anymore 0- she was run over. But whilst she was alive she did not need medication. So my answer is i do not kow where i would have kept my cat's ear medicine. x
sh!t that was grandmas ashes dam gotta get to the garbage b4 the sani man be back soon
No cat, no nipple cream, no whip cream. Do I pass go and collect 200 pounds?
Rose P.
Next to my nurple unguent and vadge lubb.
Next to the fish tank and between the dog food.
I keep it with the beer in the fridge.
In a cool dry place. My cat might enjoy the he!! out of that whip cream, though!
wow wish i had some of that the other no that was last night when a friend got me excited, she is a good friend
That sounds a bit disgusting ~_~
I keep mine in the liquor cabnet next to the Jack. Don't judge me!
I don't have nipple ointment..
I'm just saying!!
This is possibly the most random question ever!
lol :L
No, I don't have a cat. If I had a pet it would be a dog.
I don't have a cat or nipple ointment....
Is it me ...or does Grizzie seem a little cranky?
Anyway...I keep mine in the spice closet....I dont know why.
i keep it next to my estrogen pills .
ooooh....ya caught meh !
omg, don't you have anything else to do with your time! whats the point in these stupid questions? blaaa.....
You know if you'd just keep your tongue in there longer, I wouldn't get the waxy build up.Survey: Do you keep your cat's ear medicine in the fridge next to the whip cream and nipple ointment or...?
Strewth, Tim - the competition for most witty %26amp; fun-lovin' answer is monstrous stiff here tonight, my friend!
Originally my own attempt was to be something that relied for comedy effect on simply going one step more shocking than yourself in the 'disgusting concept' stakes; you know the kind of thing - ';Oh, I keep my cat's nipples next to the haemorrhoid ointment in the children's lunchbox, Tim!';
But now, having sampled the rapier wit of contributors like OldSchool and Vanessa, well, I think I'd better just stick to awarding thumb-ups to the genius of others.
Credit where credit is due, I say!
Whip cream? I'll bet you say ';mash potatoes,'; too. Or do you mean cream for your whip? Either way, it's all discusting. Find something better to do with your time!
Edit: btw, wtf?
Edit edit: Maggie, I'm always like this when I've run out of nipple ointment.
First of all, I don't have nipple ointment in the fridge.... I just get it when I need it from my Montgomery Gland.
Second, Grandmother isn't dead, but I do have a canister with her nail clippings next to my roommates Cheetos.
Third, I don't have a cat... blaaa.
I don't understand the nonsense of this question. But to answer this ridiculous question I'll tell you that we keep my cats ear medicine in a dry place on a shelf in the bedroom.
Do not have a cat anymore 0- she was run over. But whilst she was alive she did not need medication. So my answer is i do not kow where i would have kept my cat's ear medicine. x
sh!t that was grandmas ashes dam gotta get to the garbage b4 the sani man be back soon
No cat, no nipple cream, no whip cream. Do I pass go and collect 200 pounds?
Rose P.
Next to my nurple unguent and vadge lubb.
Next to the fish tank and between the dog food.
I keep it with the beer in the fridge.
In a cool dry place. My cat might enjoy the he!! out of that whip cream, though!
wow wish i had some of that the other no that was last night when a friend got me excited, she is a good friend
That sounds a bit disgusting ~_~
I keep mine in the liquor cabnet next to the Jack. Don't judge me!
I don't have nipple ointment..
I'm just saying!!
This is possibly the most random question ever!
lol :L
No, I don't have a cat. If I had a pet it would be a dog.
I don't have a cat or nipple ointment....
Is it me ...or does Grizzie seem a little cranky?
Anyway...I keep mine in the spice closet....I dont know why.
i keep it next to my estrogen pills .
ooooh....ya caught meh !
omg, don't you have anything else to do with your time! whats the point in these stupid questions? blaaa.....
How can i relieve muscle pains without creams, medicine etc.? ?
Me and my dad's muscles hurt cause we came back from snowboarding and they hurt too much to go to a pharmacy or so my dad says. How can i relieve muscle pains without creams, medicine etc.? ?
When you do a workout (snowboarding) it's always a good idea to do warm-up exercises (before) and cool-down exercises (after). Some pain is normal, but the reason your experiencing a lot of pain is because your didn't cool-down.
I recommend doing some stretching exercises, touch your toes, etc.
Then afterwards if your still experiencing extreme pain get a hot pad. (I soak a towel, put it in a gallon-sized ziplock bag, then put it in the microwave until it's hot enough--whala a heat pad)How can i relieve muscle pains without creams, medicine etc.? ?
Look around the house for a heat pad, that always does it for me. Or load up on tylenol or ibuprofin.
Do yoga
dude did u think abouts stretching jk u should just stretch 15 min a day thats what i do
roll up some grass
When you do a workout (snowboarding) it's always a good idea to do warm-up exercises (before) and cool-down exercises (after). Some pain is normal, but the reason your experiencing a lot of pain is because your didn't cool-down.
I recommend doing some stretching exercises, touch your toes, etc.
Then afterwards if your still experiencing extreme pain get a hot pad. (I soak a towel, put it in a gallon-sized ziplock bag, then put it in the microwave until it's hot enough--whala a heat pad)How can i relieve muscle pains without creams, medicine etc.? ?
Look around the house for a heat pad, that always does it for me. Or load up on tylenol or ibuprofin.
Do yoga
dude did u think abouts stretching jk u should just stretch 15 min a day thats what i do
roll up some grass
I have athlete's foot SO bad and I have been on medicine and using cream doesn't work either....?
I have athlete's foot really bad and I can't get rid of it. I've even been to the foot doc and he gave me a medicine that didn't work. Do any of you have a tried-and-true home- made solution?? If you do, PLEASE share. Its so bad I have to shower in a shower no one else uses to keep them from getting it and my feet smell really bad. HELP!!
Please don't be rude, I know this is gross- it even grosses me out sometimes. Thank-you!!I have athlete's foot SO bad and I have been on medicine and using cream doesn't work either....?
Well with any severe condidion ( having it a while or over a large area) It will take some time to clear. The meds kill the top layers of virus, but not the under layers , where it is reproducing. I would get a special loofa or wash rag to completely scrub the **** outta my foot , for instance BEFORE you get in the shower completely to loosen that dead skin. When you get out. COMPLETELY DRY the area before applying any meds. After the feet are DRY , apply them , I would also consider getting some cheapy flip flops to wear around the house , so that you feet arent trapped in socks all day and can breathe... also they are cheap so when u gotta toss em you wont be missing some shoes.
As far as the sharing showers, keep handy antibacterial sprays for cleaning handy and when done showering , spray and wipe down the shower to disinfect. DO not walk around barefoot.. you can pick up more germs and spread them on the floor. In a severe case it may take 4-6 months to completely heal. If the lotions dont work try the powder.. if that doesnt work for you try the spray.... see what works the best. REMEMBER DRY AND AIRED OUT!!!I have athlete's foot SO bad and I have been on medicine and using cream doesn't work either....?
SOrry I musta been high when I typed that ... GOSH all the typos... I am glad u could sort that out and get info outta it!! IT was all mixed up! but YW %26gt;:D%26lt; Report Abuse
I have heard soaking your feet in Listerine works it kills germs, what do you have to lose nothing good luck
I have been having the same problem lately so I sympathize. I'm wondering if it might be a result of an infection in my body since it has occured suddenly and I have not been feeling well lately. I have been using talcem powder on my feet which has helped a little. Best of luck!
Well remember that the A.F. fungi grow best in..dark and humid environments....sooo you might want to try keeping dry and taking off those socks and letting the air and light get to them.cute myspace
Please don't be rude, I know this is gross- it even grosses me out sometimes. Thank-you!!I have athlete's foot SO bad and I have been on medicine and using cream doesn't work either....?
Well with any severe condidion ( having it a while or over a large area) It will take some time to clear. The meds kill the top layers of virus, but not the under layers , where it is reproducing. I would get a special loofa or wash rag to completely scrub the **** outta my foot , for instance BEFORE you get in the shower completely to loosen that dead skin. When you get out. COMPLETELY DRY the area before applying any meds. After the feet are DRY , apply them , I would also consider getting some cheapy flip flops to wear around the house , so that you feet arent trapped in socks all day and can breathe... also they are cheap so when u gotta toss em you wont be missing some shoes.
As far as the sharing showers, keep handy antibacterial sprays for cleaning handy and when done showering , spray and wipe down the shower to disinfect. DO not walk around barefoot.. you can pick up more germs and spread them on the floor. In a severe case it may take 4-6 months to completely heal. If the lotions dont work try the powder.. if that doesnt work for you try the spray.... see what works the best. REMEMBER DRY AND AIRED OUT!!!I have athlete's foot SO bad and I have been on medicine and using cream doesn't work either....?
SOrry I musta been high when I typed that ... GOSH all the typos... I am glad u could sort that out and get info outta it!! IT was all mixed up! but YW %26gt;:D%26lt; Report Abuse
I have heard soaking your feet in Listerine works it kills germs, what do you have to lose nothing good luck
I have been having the same problem lately so I sympathize. I'm wondering if it might be a result of an infection in my body since it has occured suddenly and I have not been feeling well lately. I have been using talcem powder on my feet which has helped a little. Best of luck!
Well remember that the A.F. fungi grow best in..dark and humid environments....sooo you might want to try keeping dry and taking off those socks and letting the air and light get to them.
Hi all, i was wondering if somebody knew a cream or some sort of medicine that could regenerate your fingers.
My uncle had an axident and he lost a part of 1 of his fingers, it's there such a cream or some sort of medicine that could regenerate that part of the finger back? If so please let me know , my email its thank you for taking the time in reading this.Hi all, i was wondering if somebody knew a cream or some sort of medicine that could regenerate your fingers.
I am assuming that the amputated part of the finger was not salvageable. If so, there is no way for the finger to regenerate. No medicine will cause the finger to regrow.
I am assuming that the amputated part of the finger was not salvageable. If so, there is no way for the finger to regenerate. No medicine will cause the finger to regrow.
Is ALOE a homeopathic cream? or is the a liquid medicine which is taken orally?which company produces it?
Aloe is more of an herbal remedy, then a homeopathic remedy. Aloe can be taken internally if it is a high quality product. The only problem is that if you take to much you can cause more harm than good. If you don't know much about aloe and how to use it, I would suggest talking with someone who is knowledgeable about it before using it. Check with your local health food store. Alot of times there is someone there who can give you some great info and if they can't then they might at least be able to head you in the right direction.Is ALOE a homeopathic cream? or is the a liquid medicine which is taken orally?which company produces it?
Aloes in homeopathic potencies from mother tincture to CM potencies are used for a variety of ailments. You can have the symptoms checked from the website below:鈥?
The gelly from the plant directly applied to skin can enhance the texture of the skin. It is used in cream form in homeopathy as well as a cosmetic. you can buy homeo medicines in liquid form in India from any homeo clinic or shop. The liquid is used in drops from one to five drops in an ounce or less water three times for specific ailment as directed by the physician. Is ALOE a homeopathic cream? or is the a liquid medicine which is taken orally?which company produces it?
Neither. Aloe is a plant that you can grow in your garden or in your home. The gel that comes from inside the leaves is used to treat burns and is also used to treat constipation in certain circumstances.
You should only take it internally under the advice of a naturopath, as it is not a good idea to just start taking it on your own especially if you don't know what you are doing.
Aloes in homeopathic potencies from mother tincture to CM potencies are used for a variety of ailments. You can have the symptoms checked from the website below:鈥?
The gelly from the plant directly applied to skin can enhance the texture of the skin. It is used in cream form in homeopathy as well as a cosmetic. you can buy homeo medicines in liquid form in India from any homeo clinic or shop. The liquid is used in drops from one to five drops in an ounce or less water three times for specific ailment as directed by the physician. Is ALOE a homeopathic cream? or is the a liquid medicine which is taken orally?which company produces it?
Neither. Aloe is a plant that you can grow in your garden or in your home. The gel that comes from inside the leaves is used to treat burns and is also used to treat constipation in certain circumstances.
You should only take it internally under the advice of a naturopath, as it is not a good idea to just start taking it on your own especially if you don't know what you are doing.
What is the best way to get rid of pimples without using pimple medicine or creams
i have a bad pinple problem and pimple medicines never work for meWhat is the best way to get rid of pimples without using pimple medicine or creams
Try washing your face with a gentle cleanser. Drink lots of water. Try using witch hazel on the pimples. It's inexpensive and you can purchase it at any drug store. It'll help dry out the pimples naturally. Putting toothpaste on individual pimples before bed also works. Sounds strange but it works. Good luck!What is the best way to get rid of pimples without using pimple medicine or creams
Hmmm...Eat healthy, get a good amount of sleep, try not to touch your face during the day, wash your face at least two times a day. A lot of people say that if you wash your face too much, it will actually make you get more acne, but that's not true. Also, in the past, I have used lemon juice to dry my skin out and get rid of pimples.
Wash your wash with a good oil fighting cleanser and use Witch Hazel (cheap and found in any drug store) everyday....preferably twice a day. I have also found that putting white toothpaste (not the gel type) on the zits prior to going to bed works surprisingly well.
Eat lots of healthy foods and not fatty foods. Chocolate gives the worst pimples. Drink lots of water and try using a moisturiser. I have to do this because i am allergic to all of the pimple creams.
alcohol it to dry it out and toothpaste that is kinda rough.
toothpaste maybe..
i've heard that works..
Try washing your face with a gentle cleanser. Drink lots of water. Try using witch hazel on the pimples. It's inexpensive and you can purchase it at any drug store. It'll help dry out the pimples naturally. Putting toothpaste on individual pimples before bed also works. Sounds strange but it works. Good luck!What is the best way to get rid of pimples without using pimple medicine or creams
Hmmm...Eat healthy, get a good amount of sleep, try not to touch your face during the day, wash your face at least two times a day. A lot of people say that if you wash your face too much, it will actually make you get more acne, but that's not true. Also, in the past, I have used lemon juice to dry my skin out and get rid of pimples.
Wash your wash with a good oil fighting cleanser and use Witch Hazel (cheap and found in any drug store) everyday....preferably twice a day. I have also found that putting white toothpaste (not the gel type) on the zits prior to going to bed works surprisingly well.
Eat lots of healthy foods and not fatty foods. Chocolate gives the worst pimples. Drink lots of water and try using a moisturiser. I have to do this because i am allergic to all of the pimple creams.
alcohol it to dry it out and toothpaste that is kinda rough.
toothpaste maybe..
i've heard that works..
Has anyone heard of or purchased an OTC medicine called GREEN MARVEL CREAM? Can't find it anywhere on-line.
read the following , go way down on the left side and read the blog has inform how to get there..
enjoyHas anyone heard of or purchased an OTC medicine called GREEN MARVEL CREAM? Can't find it anywhere on-line.
Green Marvel is a product by Innova ( Their website is in Mexico (and in Spanish), but soon (according to the website) they'll have a website available for the USA at the following address:
Hope this helps! Report Abuse
Has anyone heard of or purchased an OTC medicine called GREEN MARVEL CREAM? Can't find it anywhere on-line.
sounds like a flavor of ice cream...
sorry can't help...what's it for and maybe then I can
enjoyHas anyone heard of or purchased an OTC medicine called GREEN MARVEL CREAM? Can't find it anywhere on-line.
Green Marvel is a product by Innova ( Their website is in Mexico (and in Spanish), but soon (according to the website) they'll have a website available for the USA at the following address:
Hope this helps! Report Abuse
Has anyone heard of or purchased an OTC medicine called GREEN MARVEL CREAM? Can't find it anywhere on-line.
sounds like a flavor of ice cream...
sorry can't help...what's it for and maybe then I can
Please advice me anyone a best whitening and mosturising cream or medicine?
dear friends,iam a man,age of 24,in dark complexion with dried skin.please advice me how to get fair look.I had used 'RUP AMRUTHU' for 2 months.but not avail.what tell more I lost my 1000 rs.I was very lean .so I used some ayurvedic medicine,only for it I put on wight.Now Iam working in Saudi Arabia.many indian medicine is not available here.Even though it is so,I can make me send by any one from india if it is needed.please advice me please.....Please advice me anyone a best whitening and mosturising cream or medicine?
wellllllllll.........u stayn in saudi arabia n i wonder u dnt knw wt woud help u out best...................use a pinch of saffron wit a glass of it wud help u get fair..........n bout ur skin ve fruits n veggies.n glycerin z d bst skin softner mixd with rose water...........Please advice me anyone a best whitening and mosturising cream or medicine?
hey Nivea has an excellent whitening cream for men. its name is ';MEN'S Whitening';. this works really well and im sure that it will give u enoung confidence and a fairer look. but one thing u have to use it daily twice and do not discontinue. within 10 days u start noticing a fairer glow in ur face. im sure u'll not be disappointed. i myself am using it since last 3 months and its working!!!
also u can get nivea prodcts anywhere in da world. in india it costs around Rs.200 per tube.
wellllllllll.........u stayn in saudi arabia n i wonder u dnt knw wt woud help u out best...................use a pinch of saffron wit a glass of it wud help u get fair..........n bout ur skin ve fruits n veggies.n glycerin z d bst skin softner mixd with rose water...........Please advice me anyone a best whitening and mosturising cream or medicine?
hey Nivea has an excellent whitening cream for men. its name is ';MEN'S Whitening';. this works really well and im sure that it will give u enoung confidence and a fairer look. but one thing u have to use it daily twice and do not discontinue. within 10 days u start noticing a fairer glow in ur face. im sure u'll not be disappointed. i myself am using it since last 3 months and its working!!!
also u can get nivea prodcts anywhere in da world. in india it costs around Rs.200 per tube.
I have a big red pimple on my forhead. not going to the doctor, using and cream or medicine, what should i do?
I don't use prescription stuff because I hardly ever get pimples, but when I do I use astringent along with some Clean %26amp; Clear pimple gel. Both will dry up the zit, there will be no need to pop it because these two things (the astrigent and pimple gel) will dry it up for you. It usually works within 3-4 days (at least for me). Also, these items aren't pricey at all. Both together are well under $10. Good luck, and I hope my info helps!I have a big red pimple on my forhead. not going to the doctor, using and cream or medicine, what should i do?
ive noticed using a dab of toothpaste over nite on those can help. it kills bacteria and dries it out.I have a big red pimple on my forhead. not going to the doctor, using and cream or medicine, what should i do?
are ya kiddin me? pop that sucka!!! place a finger on each side and sqweeze!!!
it depends how big it is. If it is really unbearable, then pop it (gently) and then wash your face with soap and put acne treatment on afterward if you have any.
what should you do about what? clarify your question so i can help you.
i use acne medicine called duac and i wash my face twice a day with purpose soap. after that i put some rubbing alcohol on the pimple to dry it out.cute myspace
ive noticed using a dab of toothpaste over nite on those can help. it kills bacteria and dries it out.I have a big red pimple on my forhead. not going to the doctor, using and cream or medicine, what should i do?
are ya kiddin me? pop that sucka!!! place a finger on each side and sqweeze!!!
it depends how big it is. If it is really unbearable, then pop it (gently) and then wash your face with soap and put acne treatment on afterward if you have any.
what should you do about what? clarify your question so i can help you.
i use acne medicine called duac and i wash my face twice a day with purpose soap. after that i put some rubbing alcohol on the pimple to dry it out.
Medicine on ice cream?
My nieces is 2 and of course medicine is not her favorite.
I was thinking about pouring the medicine on some vanilla ice cream like syrup, will that affect the medicine?Medicine on ice cream?
if it is cough medicine, then you will not be doing her any favors by pouring it over ice cream, as dairy will only make her more flemmy and make her cough more profusely.Medicine on ice cream?
I add a little water to the medicine cup so that it is easier to drink and both my 2 yr old and 1 yr old will take it that way. They think it is juice. A lot of times medicines are too thick and toddlers have a hard time drinking it down. If it is more fluid it spends less time in their mouth and they are more likely to take it.
I was thinking about pouring the medicine on some vanilla ice cream like syrup, will that affect the medicine?Medicine on ice cream?
if it is cough medicine, then you will not be doing her any favors by pouring it over ice cream, as dairy will only make her more flemmy and make her cough more profusely.Medicine on ice cream?
I add a little water to the medicine cup so that it is easier to drink and both my 2 yr old and 1 yr old will take it that way. They think it is juice. A lot of times medicines are too thick and toddlers have a hard time drinking it down. If it is more fluid it spends less time in their mouth and they are more likely to take it.
Would the Johnny Cash song ';Ring of Fire'; be a great advertising theme for hemmorhoid cream medicine?
Great joke, but not such a great ad.Would the Johnny Cash song ';Ring of Fire'; be a great advertising theme for hemmorhoid cream medicine?
I believe such a licensing deal was already proposed, but the estate of Mr. Cash declined.Would the Johnny Cash song ';Ring of Fire'; be a great advertising theme for hemmorhoid cream medicine?
it would be perfect!!
No way! Johnny Cash is a great american icon. This would be insulting. He deserves way more respect than that, plus its just plain gross.
It would, it would.
I believe such a licensing deal was already proposed, but the estate of Mr. Cash declined.Would the Johnny Cash song ';Ring of Fire'; be a great advertising theme for hemmorhoid cream medicine?
it would be perfect!!
No way! Johnny Cash is a great american icon. This would be insulting. He deserves way more respect than that, plus its just plain gross.
It would, it would.
Any cream or medicine?
hi there !!! i have done sex wid my bf 2 times and i feel the muscles of my vagina are loosed , is there any way ( cream or medicine) which can make vagina tight as earlier...
pls advise and thanks in advance :-)Any cream or medicine?
Sitting or standing ';clench'; the muscles from inside.
The muscle to clench is like when you are doing a wee, and you try to stop halfway through. You cando this at anytime, and no one will know you are doing it.Any cream or medicine?
Try this maybe it'll help. While urinating try to instantly withold the urine from flowing out with your virgina muscle (a few second after you started to urine), then release it....repeat the whole process again while holding your urine....stop then release, stop then release.... Do it everytime you urinate and over time I suppose your virgina muscle will be strong enough to crush a penis.
No, you have to do pelvic floor exercises. You squeeze the muscle that stops you peeing repeatedly. There are some machines that can help with this, type ';pelvic floor strengthening'; into google and something will come up.
No, I think only exercises can help you. Asked your doctor, may be help you!?
this is normal, you will get used to it and it may re-tighten over time.
pls advise and thanks in advance :-)Any cream or medicine?
Sitting or standing ';clench'; the muscles from inside.
The muscle to clench is like when you are doing a wee, and you try to stop halfway through. You cando this at anytime, and no one will know you are doing it.Any cream or medicine?
Try this maybe it'll help. While urinating try to instantly withold the urine from flowing out with your virgina muscle (a few second after you started to urine), then release it....repeat the whole process again while holding your urine....stop then release, stop then release.... Do it everytime you urinate and over time I suppose your virgina muscle will be strong enough to crush a penis.
No, you have to do pelvic floor exercises. You squeeze the muscle that stops you peeing repeatedly. There are some machines that can help with this, type ';pelvic floor strengthening'; into google and something will come up.
No, I think only exercises can help you. Asked your doctor, may be help you!?
this is normal, you will get used to it and it may re-tighten over time.
Steroid cream on medicine?
for my ezcema i use desonide which is a steroid cream. does this effect the penis in any bad ways? ive been applying it 1:1ratio with this other anti fungual medicine for jock itch. do these effect the size of my penis or anything ?Steroid cream on medicine?
No it will no effect the size of your penis. It can with time cause thinning of the skin, bruising, and impotency. Just watch the area being treated, and wash your hands good after applying. Good Luck!Steroid cream on medicine?
it won't affect your penis. However, the steroid does leave you more susceptible to infections, such as the jock itch.
No it will no effect the size of your penis. It can with time cause thinning of the skin, bruising, and impotency. Just watch the area being treated, and wash your hands good after applying. Good Luck!Steroid cream on medicine?
it won't affect your penis. However, the steroid does leave you more susceptible to infections, such as the jock itch.
I m looking for a medicine called ';travocort cream';?
can anyone tell me where to find this cream. i live in will be really apreciated.I m looking for a medicine called ';travocort cream';?
I'm afraid your not going to find this cream in the UK. Schering produce it lots of other countries but not for UK.
Closest thing you can buy at your Pharmacy will be Canestan HC or Daktacort Cream.
See your GP if these aren't suitable.I m looking for a medicine called ';travocort cream';?
you should be able to get it in any chemist. If they don't have it, they will order it for you. It is not all that rare a prescription, so I don't see the problem. Good luck.
You should be able to get it at a pharmacy or at a clinic. I'm not sure if a doctor's prescription is needed, but check with a medical clinic and they should be able to refer you.
listen to the 2 chicks above, they know there stuff.
I'm afraid your not going to find this cream in the UK. Schering produce it lots of other countries but not for UK.
Closest thing you can buy at your Pharmacy will be Canestan HC or Daktacort Cream.
See your GP if these aren't suitable.I m looking for a medicine called ';travocort cream';?
you should be able to get it in any chemist. If they don't have it, they will order it for you. It is not all that rare a prescription, so I don't see the problem. Good luck.
You should be able to get it at a pharmacy or at a clinic. I'm not sure if a doctor's prescription is needed, but check with a medical clinic and they should be able to refer you.
listen to the 2 chicks above, they know there stuff.
My question is why give your dog cheese or cream cheese while giving them the vitamins or medicine mine was a?
bout the jack russell she won';t take it by itself just wondering is it suppose to be good for themMy question is why give your dog cheese or cream cheese while giving them the vitamins or medicine mine was a?
anything you can hide the pill in works. cream cheese, peanut butter, bread. something that your dog will think of as a treat and won't really notice the pill inside.My question is why give your dog cheese or cream cheese while giving them the vitamins or medicine mine was a?
It's to try and make it easier to give your dog the pill, you can use other things, like a little bit of chicken, or sausage. The trick is to encase the pill in whatever you are using so the dog doesn't realise he's taking the pill. I usually use a small piece of cheddar cheese with a a hole in it so I can put the pill inside.
Some medications like certain antibiotics can cause stomach upset, and it's a good idea to give the tablet with food - even a piece of cheese or a meatball of canned food-- not on an empty stomach.
It's also to hide the medication, so the dog will eat it.
well like others have said dairy isnt the best...but try to cover it with balogna or some kinda boyfriend has an old english dog and he gives him a piece of balogna to tempt him to want more then wraps the pill in another peice feeds it to him then gives him the rest..
In general, dairy products aren't a good idea, and tend to lead to digestive upset.
That being said, a small amount (as little as you can manage), needed to get her to take her pills shouldn't cause any problems.
I don't know why they would recommend a dairy product....?
Most dog owners do peanut butter. Completely harmless and a lot of fun for the dogs. At the shelter I work at, that's what we do when we reward the dogs.
Food is a great trick for getting pets to swallow medicine. Cheese would be okay, I've used bologna with my dog before as well, or you can buy special pill pockets at Petsmart or Petco (or wherever, really.)
I use a little bit of liverworst on the tip of a spoon and hide the pill in there.. Works like a charm (it's a JR too)
I use peanut butter for mine to eat their pills.
Your suppose to hide the pill in the it. But try a marshmallow
its not bad for them it just gets them to eat the pillcute myspace
anything you can hide the pill in works. cream cheese, peanut butter, bread. something that your dog will think of as a treat and won't really notice the pill inside.My question is why give your dog cheese or cream cheese while giving them the vitamins or medicine mine was a?
It's to try and make it easier to give your dog the pill, you can use other things, like a little bit of chicken, or sausage. The trick is to encase the pill in whatever you are using so the dog doesn't realise he's taking the pill. I usually use a small piece of cheddar cheese with a a hole in it so I can put the pill inside.
Some medications like certain antibiotics can cause stomach upset, and it's a good idea to give the tablet with food - even a piece of cheese or a meatball of canned food-- not on an empty stomach.
It's also to hide the medication, so the dog will eat it.
well like others have said dairy isnt the best...but try to cover it with balogna or some kinda boyfriend has an old english dog and he gives him a piece of balogna to tempt him to want more then wraps the pill in another peice feeds it to him then gives him the rest..
In general, dairy products aren't a good idea, and tend to lead to digestive upset.
That being said, a small amount (as little as you can manage), needed to get her to take her pills shouldn't cause any problems.
I don't know why they would recommend a dairy product....?
Most dog owners do peanut butter. Completely harmless and a lot of fun for the dogs. At the shelter I work at, that's what we do when we reward the dogs.
Food is a great trick for getting pets to swallow medicine. Cheese would be okay, I've used bologna with my dog before as well, or you can buy special pill pockets at Petsmart or Petco (or wherever, really.)
I use a little bit of liverworst on the tip of a spoon and hide the pill in there.. Works like a charm (it's a JR too)
I use peanut butter for mine to eat their pills.
Your suppose to hide the pill in the it. But try a marshmallow
its not bad for them it just gets them to eat the pill
How to get rid of pimples fast with no creams or medicine just in hold products?
Use a hot wash cloth and apply to bring the pimple to a head and then use a blackhead/whitehead remover tool.How to get rid of pimples fast with no creams or medicine just in hold products?
use alcohol on your face it will help you with your pimples and black headsHow to get rid of pimples fast with no creams or medicine just in hold products?
You have to grow up first, (unfortunately ) I found age help me : (
Herbal Treatment For Acne鈥?/a>
Acne remedies at home鈥?/a>
read tips and articles on treatment on acne on this site that will help you
This is a relly gd tip it worked for me: but distilled witch hazel in a bottle and put some on a little piece of cotton wool and wipe over your face. It clears up the spots. Its relly cheap too only about a dollar and 10 cent. in england its 89p.
Put honey, toothpaste, or an ice cube on the pimple. Eat dark green leafy foods which help to speed up the healing process.
this is going to seem really odd.............shave them off......then wash your face with soap and water to get whatever the shaver didn't. It works. Been doing it for years.
Try putting Honey in you zit.
use alcohol on your face it will help you with your pimples and black headsHow to get rid of pimples fast with no creams or medicine just in hold products?
You have to grow up first, (unfortunately ) I found age help me : (
Herbal Treatment For Acne鈥?/a>
Acne remedies at home鈥?/a>
read tips and articles on treatment on acne on this site that will help you
This is a relly gd tip it worked for me: but distilled witch hazel in a bottle and put some on a little piece of cotton wool and wipe over your face. It clears up the spots. Its relly cheap too only about a dollar and 10 cent. in england its 89p.
Put honey, toothpaste, or an ice cube on the pimple. Eat dark green leafy foods which help to speed up the healing process.
this is going to seem really odd.............shave them off......then wash your face with soap and water to get whatever the shaver didn't. It works. Been doing it for years.
Try putting Honey in you zit.
How can idelay my erection ,ordelay myejuclation during first night .douknow any cream or medicine?
No creams or meds will help with that.
However, try these things.
1. Wear a condom.
2. Change positions often and/or change activities often
3. Try not to focus on the sensations. Think of something else.
4. Get her to orgasm first before any penetrative sex takes place. That way if you go off quick, she is satisfied too.How can idelay my erection ,ordelay myejuclation during first night .douknow any cream or medicine?
it hav somthing called blackstone. go by a herbal store.How can idelay my erection ,ordelay myejuclation during first night .douknow any cream or medicine?
talk to your doctor for safe advice
be cool...
No creams, no medicines. Think about baseball or some other activity, but be prepared, it probably won't work.
There is some cream out there that is supposed to decrease the sensitivity but I do not know what it is called. If you are really concerned about it, masturbate before making love that way it will take longer to orgasm.
There are several herbal products for this problem. Use sex enhancement pills to increase sex drive and stamina. They work fine for me and a lot of my friends use it too. Their girlfriends are all happy with it because their sex life is much better now. Yeah, my girlfriend loves it too. Give it a try.
However, try these things.
1. Wear a condom.
2. Change positions often and/or change activities often
3. Try not to focus on the sensations. Think of something else.
4. Get her to orgasm first before any penetrative sex takes place. That way if you go off quick, she is satisfied too.How can idelay my erection ,ordelay myejuclation during first night .douknow any cream or medicine?
it hav somthing called blackstone. go by a herbal store.How can idelay my erection ,ordelay myejuclation during first night .douknow any cream or medicine?
talk to your doctor for safe advice
be cool...
No creams, no medicines. Think about baseball or some other activity, but be prepared, it probably won't work.
There is some cream out there that is supposed to decrease the sensitivity but I do not know what it is called. If you are really concerned about it, masturbate before making love that way it will take longer to orgasm.
There are several herbal products for this problem. Use sex enhancement pills to increase sex drive and stamina. They work fine for me and a lot of my friends use it too. Their girlfriends are all happy with it because their sex life is much better now. Yeah, my girlfriend loves it too. Give it a try.
What cream or medicine that is effective on wrinkles treatment (beside botox)?
I believe L'oreal has a skincare line out for men that has some great products. They are safe and effective if you are looking for something that won't be harsh to your skin.What cream or medicine that is effective on wrinkles treatment (beside botox)?
Retin A and Renova: I believe though they need to be prescribed (at least YOU won't have to worry about pregnancy)
Strivectin: supposed to be pretty good if used regularily, but it is rather expensive.
I personally use the website I'll link to. It seems independent of all and any company and seems based on common sense, decent science and users reviews. Not a bad place to get ideas of what might workWhat cream or medicine that is effective on wrinkles treatment (beside botox)?
The best vitamins for your skin are B-complex vitamins, found in beef, chicken, eggs and whole wheat, and antioxidants vitamins A, C and E which are abundant in green leafy vegetables, carrots and fresh fruit. Smoking is a double whammy for wrinkles. ';Smokers have more wrinkles than people who don't smoke, especially around their lips. Excessive washing and scrubbing particularly with hot water and harsh soaps tends to dissolve oils that help nourish the skin. Too much sun exposure is the leading cause of premature wrinkles.
Try the site below and read more about anti-wrinkles and the best products for it. Good luck!
Retin A and Renova: I believe though they need to be prescribed (at least YOU won't have to worry about pregnancy)
Strivectin: supposed to be pretty good if used regularily, but it is rather expensive.
I personally use the website I'll link to. It seems independent of all and any company and seems based on common sense, decent science and users reviews. Not a bad place to get ideas of what might workWhat cream or medicine that is effective on wrinkles treatment (beside botox)?
The best vitamins for your skin are B-complex vitamins, found in beef, chicken, eggs and whole wheat, and antioxidants vitamins A, C and E which are abundant in green leafy vegetables, carrots and fresh fruit. Smoking is a double whammy for wrinkles. ';Smokers have more wrinkles than people who don't smoke, especially around their lips. Excessive washing and scrubbing particularly with hot water and harsh soaps tends to dissolve oils that help nourish the skin. Too much sun exposure is the leading cause of premature wrinkles.
Try the site below and read more about anti-wrinkles and the best products for it. Good luck!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I have pimples and scares on my face...wat do i do 2 get rid of em? any cream or medicine?
Directly rub potato slices all over the face and wash after 30 minutes , if done regularly helps to get rid of blemishes and pimple scar.The most basic form of pimple prevention is hygiene and preventive skin care. More such solutions at have pimples and scares on my face...wat do i do 2 get rid of em? any cream or medicine?
just use whitening products...olay and really does help...I have pimples and scares on my face...wat do i do 2 get rid of em? any cream or medicine?
try neutrogenia healthy skin visibly even moisturizer and some of their other products. it takes time to work, but you will see the results.
Stop popping the pimples and zits. This will only risk encouraging your acne to stay due to inflammation, irritation, and possibly infection. If a pimple comes up in a particularly bothersome place, learn how to target a single pimple. And if you're determined to pop, learn how to pop a pimple safely and properly.
Remove dead skin cells regularly by exfoliating. Use a gentle scrub with natural exfoliants like ground walnut shells, or use an over-the-counter chemical exfoliant like salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Cocoa butter with ground walnut shell works well,too(It is a face wash.). Remember that over-exfoliating can actually increase the likelihood of acne by irritating the skin. Pat dry, rather than rubbing, since rubbing can cause irritation to the fresh skin you've just revealed.
Use a good toner. Spray onto face or wipe on with a cotton ball and wipe off with a clean, dry cotton ball. This gets rid of excess cleanser and tightens pores. Good, inexpensive choices include plain witch hazel for normal to dry skin, or 3% hydrogen peroxide for oily skin. 70% ethyl rubbing alcohol can also be used for severe oiliness, but it can really dry out your skin and irritate it more. Some toners are medicated, too, and this stage is the best for using a medicated product if you're only going to use one medication. Lemon juice is a good option, too.
Bacteria in pores is one cause of pimples. Reduce the amount of bacteria by using toners containing anti-bacterial agents like alcohol, peroxide and benzalkonium chloride, and by using creams that contain benzoyl peroxide, which kill bacteria as well as cause the skin to regenerate faster.
Maintain a routine. Most acne treatments take time to work. It usually takes between two and eight weeks before you see any significant improvement, so you are going to have to be patient. Once you've gotten your acne cleared up, it's important to continue with the treatment that's working so it does not return.
If all else fails, contact your GP. They may be able to prescribe specific mild antibiotics that can eliminate acne.
for the scar, use foundation to cover it. Go to a large store like a department store, large drugstore or beauty supply which carries multiple lines of cosmetics. Online is a bad choice to buy make-up unless you are re-ordering!
If a beauty technician is available, ask for help or at least ask for an idea to point you in the right direction.
Don't try to get too much out of one cosmetic. One foundation can't take off ten years, even out skin tone, even out skin texture, be shine-free, oil free and be 24 hour wear at the same time. Instead pick one or two needs you know you must have in a foundation.
Determine the undertone of your skin. Is it pink, yellow, peach, brown etc.
Look for a foundation with the same undertone.
Choose your shade by matching the color to your jawline. Since it's between your face and neck (the two places that the foundation should match), it's your best bet. If the shades of your face %26amp; neck are slightly different, attempt to find one that's in between.
Coco Butter! But You Can't Get Rid Of A Scar Cuz It's Permently In Your Scar Tissue Only Way Is Surgey
For the scars, ask a dermatologist to prescribe Retin-A. It works amazingly well on scars. The only way to prevent pimples is to cleanse, tone and moisturize at least twice a day. Proactive seems to have worked for a lot of people.
you should use proactive. i used it and now i have no pimples!!!
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Acne-pimple cure/
Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/face packs鈥?/a>
Acne treatment tips鈥?/a>
Effective Treatment for Acne Scars鈥?/a>
i highly recomend proactiv, it really works, but it takes 4 months for it to fully work so that your face is always clear.
And i also had really bad scars on my forhead and cheeks, and time is the only way they will go away becuase the dead skin cells come off and new ones grow in their place, but in the mean time i recomend some natural makeup to cover them up.
just use whitening products...olay and really does help...I have pimples and scares on my face...wat do i do 2 get rid of em? any cream or medicine?
try neutrogenia healthy skin visibly even moisturizer and some of their other products. it takes time to work, but you will see the results.
Stop popping the pimples and zits. This will only risk encouraging your acne to stay due to inflammation, irritation, and possibly infection. If a pimple comes up in a particularly bothersome place, learn how to target a single pimple. And if you're determined to pop, learn how to pop a pimple safely and properly.
Remove dead skin cells regularly by exfoliating. Use a gentle scrub with natural exfoliants like ground walnut shells, or use an over-the-counter chemical exfoliant like salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Cocoa butter with ground walnut shell works well,too(It is a face wash.). Remember that over-exfoliating can actually increase the likelihood of acne by irritating the skin. Pat dry, rather than rubbing, since rubbing can cause irritation to the fresh skin you've just revealed.
Use a good toner. Spray onto face or wipe on with a cotton ball and wipe off with a clean, dry cotton ball. This gets rid of excess cleanser and tightens pores. Good, inexpensive choices include plain witch hazel for normal to dry skin, or 3% hydrogen peroxide for oily skin. 70% ethyl rubbing alcohol can also be used for severe oiliness, but it can really dry out your skin and irritate it more. Some toners are medicated, too, and this stage is the best for using a medicated product if you're only going to use one medication. Lemon juice is a good option, too.
Bacteria in pores is one cause of pimples. Reduce the amount of bacteria by using toners containing anti-bacterial agents like alcohol, peroxide and benzalkonium chloride, and by using creams that contain benzoyl peroxide, which kill bacteria as well as cause the skin to regenerate faster.
Maintain a routine. Most acne treatments take time to work. It usually takes between two and eight weeks before you see any significant improvement, so you are going to have to be patient. Once you've gotten your acne cleared up, it's important to continue with the treatment that's working so it does not return.
If all else fails, contact your GP. They may be able to prescribe specific mild antibiotics that can eliminate acne.
for the scar, use foundation to cover it. Go to a large store like a department store, large drugstore or beauty supply which carries multiple lines of cosmetics. Online is a bad choice to buy make-up unless you are re-ordering!
If a beauty technician is available, ask for help or at least ask for an idea to point you in the right direction.
Don't try to get too much out of one cosmetic. One foundation can't take off ten years, even out skin tone, even out skin texture, be shine-free, oil free and be 24 hour wear at the same time. Instead pick one or two needs you know you must have in a foundation.
Determine the undertone of your skin. Is it pink, yellow, peach, brown etc.
Look for a foundation with the same undertone.
Choose your shade by matching the color to your jawline. Since it's between your face and neck (the two places that the foundation should match), it's your best bet. If the shades of your face %26amp; neck are slightly different, attempt to find one that's in between.
Coco Butter! But You Can't Get Rid Of A Scar Cuz It's Permently In Your Scar Tissue Only Way Is Surgey
For the scars, ask a dermatologist to prescribe Retin-A. It works amazingly well on scars. The only way to prevent pimples is to cleanse, tone and moisturize at least twice a day. Proactive seems to have worked for a lot of people.
you should use proactive. i used it and now i have no pimples!!!
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Acne-pimple cure/
Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/face packs鈥?/a>
Acne treatment tips鈥?/a>
Effective Treatment for Acne Scars鈥?/a>
i highly recomend proactiv, it really works, but it takes 4 months for it to fully work so that your face is always clear.
And i also had really bad scars on my forhead and cheeks, and time is the only way they will go away becuase the dead skin cells come off and new ones grow in their place, but in the mean time i recomend some natural makeup to cover them up.
What medicine of the creams is good for acne scars?
i have dark scars of acne. i want them to fade away because they bother me. whats a good cream for it?What medicine of the creams is good for acne scars?
You do not need expensive and invariably not effective OTC or other products. I experimented with many treatments and products and found this simple, safe, low cost solution using natural products was the only one that worked and it also gives face a healthy glow.
Massage with a quite strong, vigorous motion(that is the key to it working) once a day - better at night as it makes face flushed. You will find you can make it more vigorous as you progress. Use an organic or natural oil - coconut, vitamin E and olive oils work really well. Skin is always shedding and renewing, the massaging friction invigorates and heals and hastens a fresh, clearer skin to emerge. Initially, the skin has to adjust and if soreness, breakouts or other reactions happen - skin might expel poisons that need to be expelled - then stop and resume when you can. You have to find the pace that works for you - it's different for every person. Stick with it %26amp; in a week or so you will see a great improvement and overtime (a few weeks) even better results. Keeping up a massage routine(not as vigorous) after that and it will make it stay that way. You will not need to use any other product or treatment.and you will not need moisturizes - only unhealthy skins need constant moisturizing. Some skin clinics tell you to only massage gently but this treatment has only been beneficial to the many who have tried it. Read my BEST ANSWERS to see the others that this has helped. EMAIL ME IF NEED MORE INFO.
Source(s): 20+ years of research into natural treatments and cures of skin problems and anti aging treatments.What medicine of the creams is good for acne scars?
I am pretty sure it is called A Perfect World by Origins. It works great for reducing the dark color of scars, stretch marks, or sun spots. Oprah even had it on her show once as one of her favorite things.
definetly diaper rash cream...ya i know it sounds funny but really it helps and to get rid of pimples and zits BY FARR the BEST thing to use is alcahol pads!! for SURE!! my face it zit free!
Buy mama lola lotion off the internet, it works.
You do not need expensive and invariably not effective OTC or other products. I experimented with many treatments and products and found this simple, safe, low cost solution using natural products was the only one that worked and it also gives face a healthy glow.
Massage with a quite strong, vigorous motion(that is the key to it working) once a day - better at night as it makes face flushed. You will find you can make it more vigorous as you progress. Use an organic or natural oil - coconut, vitamin E and olive oils work really well. Skin is always shedding and renewing, the massaging friction invigorates and heals and hastens a fresh, clearer skin to emerge. Initially, the skin has to adjust and if soreness, breakouts or other reactions happen - skin might expel poisons that need to be expelled - then stop and resume when you can. You have to find the pace that works for you - it's different for every person. Stick with it %26amp; in a week or so you will see a great improvement and overtime (a few weeks) even better results. Keeping up a massage routine(not as vigorous) after that and it will make it stay that way. You will not need to use any other product or treatment.and you will not need moisturizes - only unhealthy skins need constant moisturizing. Some skin clinics tell you to only massage gently but this treatment has only been beneficial to the many who have tried it. Read my BEST ANSWERS to see the others that this has helped. EMAIL ME IF NEED MORE INFO.
Source(s): 20+ years of research into natural treatments and cures of skin problems and anti aging treatments.What medicine of the creams is good for acne scars?
I am pretty sure it is called A Perfect World by Origins. It works great for reducing the dark color of scars, stretch marks, or sun spots. Oprah even had it on her show once as one of her favorite things.
definetly diaper rash cream...ya i know it sounds funny but really it helps and to get rid of pimples and zits BY FARR the BEST thing to use is alcahol pads!! for SURE!! my face it zit free!
Buy mama lola lotion off the internet, it works.
Can anyone tell me how to make invisible cream or medicine or spells?
this is an extremely ODD question.
the fact that invisibility exists is not debateable. i know of two testimonies in history where enemies could not see their prey while God hid them
no there are 3
one is the testimony of jesus about to be thrown off a cliff
another is a prophet who walked stealthily out of his persurers ways and another where it was in English or Irish history where an army was hidden, whether few or many men, the adversary did not see them.
but all of these were prayers answered by God.
if you want to be able to be invisible at will, thats another kind of thing. but i dont think invisible cream is the answer. I have my own imagination tell me there are secret societies that have this knowledge and i know there are contemporary cloaks of invisibility. another way is to ask for such technology from extraterrestrial visitors. You might even ask God, but i wouldnt hold my breath for that one, God gives gifts to those that serve the purposes of righteousness, not that of rape and sodomy. if my imagination has any truth to it al all.
spells can be obtained by any wiccan for white magic and defense, i dont want to ever believe in their ways.
If you want spells for evil purposes, one must remember that all actions of evil will have the judgments of God and the eternal punishments given.
but there are many groups worldwide that work in darkness that will give such people their abilities but it will cost YOU. and the price is not just simply asking God.Can anyone tell me how to make invisible cream or medicine or spells?
If you mean vanishing creams, they already exist. If you mean creams that are hard to detect visually, some exist -- and some are better than others.
If you mean a cream that will make something invisible, just forget about it. If you misplace it, you'll have a terrible time trying to find it.
If you mean something to make you invisible, think about it before you ask. You cannot be invisible without being blind. No light would register on your retinas; no heat would warm your body. You would spend the duration of the effect -- and possibly the rest of a short and miserable life -- cold, blind, and unhappy.Can anyone tell me how to make invisible cream or medicine or spells?
This is a very tricky spell that takes lots of practice.
You have to blend into your surroundings so that no one notices you, or if they do, they don't think anything of it since you obviously belong there.
No words, no components, no ritual, just practice. Granny Weatherwax is best at it.
say a couple magic words, make special brownies, get stoned, and do what i did: wander around stoned for a whole day.
If you are talking about the realms of magic then imagine it. That is the only way.
ask the christians. they are into all this crazy magical stuff :)cute myspace
the fact that invisibility exists is not debateable. i know of two testimonies in history where enemies could not see their prey while God hid them
no there are 3
one is the testimony of jesus about to be thrown off a cliff
another is a prophet who walked stealthily out of his persurers ways and another where it was in English or Irish history where an army was hidden, whether few or many men, the adversary did not see them.
but all of these were prayers answered by God.
if you want to be able to be invisible at will, thats another kind of thing. but i dont think invisible cream is the answer. I have my own imagination tell me there are secret societies that have this knowledge and i know there are contemporary cloaks of invisibility. another way is to ask for such technology from extraterrestrial visitors. You might even ask God, but i wouldnt hold my breath for that one, God gives gifts to those that serve the purposes of righteousness, not that of rape and sodomy. if my imagination has any truth to it al all.
spells can be obtained by any wiccan for white magic and defense, i dont want to ever believe in their ways.
If you want spells for evil purposes, one must remember that all actions of evil will have the judgments of God and the eternal punishments given.
but there are many groups worldwide that work in darkness that will give such people their abilities but it will cost YOU. and the price is not just simply asking God.Can anyone tell me how to make invisible cream or medicine or spells?
If you mean vanishing creams, they already exist. If you mean creams that are hard to detect visually, some exist -- and some are better than others.
If you mean a cream that will make something invisible, just forget about it. If you misplace it, you'll have a terrible time trying to find it.
If you mean something to make you invisible, think about it before you ask. You cannot be invisible without being blind. No light would register on your retinas; no heat would warm your body. You would spend the duration of the effect -- and possibly the rest of a short and miserable life -- cold, blind, and unhappy.Can anyone tell me how to make invisible cream or medicine or spells?
This is a very tricky spell that takes lots of practice.
You have to blend into your surroundings so that no one notices you, or if they do, they don't think anything of it since you obviously belong there.
No words, no components, no ritual, just practice. Granny Weatherwax is best at it.
say a couple magic words, make special brownies, get stoned, and do what i did: wander around stoned for a whole day.
If you are talking about the realms of magic then imagine it. That is the only way.
ask the christians. they are into all this crazy magical stuff :)
If we put on a cream or medicine on a rash, and it has a burning sensation does that mean its workin or not?
depends on the medicine. ask a pharmacist/doctor if it is supposed to be that way.If we put on a cream or medicine on a rash, and it has a burning sensation does that mean its workin or not?
NO-IT'S NOT- YOUR LOOKING FOR A SOOTHING SENSATIONIf we put on a cream or medicine on a rash, and it has a burning sensation does that mean its workin or not?
Anything that has alcohol, salts, cayenne, ( and many other subtances) in it is going to sting an open sore. If the burning persists, wash it off.
Jewelweed and probably other herbal preparations can burn if they are too strong.
Ok that can mean one of many things
1. Your medication is expired.
2. Your skin is actually torn and thus a medication that is meant to be topical is actually penetrating the barrier and the ingredients in the medication are actually comming in contact with deeper tissues. NOT A GOOD THING!!!!
It would really suck if you ended up in a situation where you were facing amputation, when you should have simply had it looked at by a professional.
The only thing we know for sure is I don't want to bang you as you have a nasty rash. SKANK!
The burning probably means the rash is already inflamed and sensitive. Either scratching at it or just the rash itself could be causing the sensitivity. Give the medication some time to work before worrying about it. After at least a few days you should be able to tell one way or the other.
It's not good - if it stings then it means it's not the right cream for it. It also depends what caused the rash. Is it a just a normal type of rash or a reaction to something? If it continues I would pay a visit to your family doctor if I were you.
Maybe you are allergic
No - probably not. You should call your doctor.
It's not working it's making it worse, wash it away immediately.
For a rash i don't think so. It might give u a burning sansation but it can make your rash worser. i tried it and my one got worser. So the best thing to do is to go to a doctor and get a cream that fits U.
can go both ways
I don't think that's a good sign . . .
sometimes. (in the case of iodine)
but ussually not. you might feel some discomfort maybe a little itching but if it is burning to the point of being painful wash it off. unless its one of the products that work when they burn like iodine
NO-IT'S NOT- YOUR LOOKING FOR A SOOTHING SENSATIONIf we put on a cream or medicine on a rash, and it has a burning sensation does that mean its workin or not?
Anything that has alcohol, salts, cayenne, ( and many other subtances) in it is going to sting an open sore. If the burning persists, wash it off.
Jewelweed and probably other herbal preparations can burn if they are too strong.
Ok that can mean one of many things
1. Your medication is expired.
2. Your skin is actually torn and thus a medication that is meant to be topical is actually penetrating the barrier and the ingredients in the medication are actually comming in contact with deeper tissues. NOT A GOOD THING!!!!
It would really suck if you ended up in a situation where you were facing amputation, when you should have simply had it looked at by a professional.
The only thing we know for sure is I don't want to bang you as you have a nasty rash. SKANK!
The burning probably means the rash is already inflamed and sensitive. Either scratching at it or just the rash itself could be causing the sensitivity. Give the medication some time to work before worrying about it. After at least a few days you should be able to tell one way or the other.
It's not good - if it stings then it means it's not the right cream for it. It also depends what caused the rash. Is it a just a normal type of rash or a reaction to something? If it continues I would pay a visit to your family doctor if I were you.
Maybe you are allergic
No - probably not. You should call your doctor.
It's not working it's making it worse, wash it away immediately.
For a rash i don't think so. It might give u a burning sansation but it can make your rash worser. i tried it and my one got worser. So the best thing to do is to go to a doctor and get a cream that fits U.
can go both ways
I don't think that's a good sign . . .
sometimes. (in the case of iodine)
but ussually not. you might feel some discomfort maybe a little itching but if it is burning to the point of being painful wash it off. unless its one of the products that work when they burn like iodine
Strongest and Fastest Acne Cream/Medicine. HELP! :[?
I truely have horrbile horrible acne. Its all over my face and its under the skin (hardest kind to get rid of). I have tried everything out there! Nothing seems to be working for me. Im so sick of having a face full of bumps. So please let me know what the strongest acne meds there is out there with the best results. This would mean so much. I need to end my struggle with acne :[ Thank you!!! %26lt;3
PS. I already tried proactive! - made of my face worse!Strongest and Fastest Acne Cream/Medicine. HELP! :[?
Chelll !
Caviar Cream
visit鈥?/a>Strongest and Fastest Acne Cream/Medicine. HELP! :[?
Best solution is a product with sulfur in it. They still carry a product called BYE BYE BLEMISH in TWO DIFFERENT FORMULATIONS. DO NOT GET THE ONE WITH SALICYLIC ACID. The other one is 10% sulfur. Use it twice a day. It says not to use it under makeup, but I did and it helped me so much. Don't shake it, and use a Q-tip to get the pink medication out. You will see what I mean when you get it.
Also, ADULT ACNE CLEARASIL has sulfur and resorchinol in it. The sulfur content is lower than the other product, but if you use it 3 times a day, even under makeup, it will help you out in a week.
Also, never pay attention to the instructions that tell you only to apply it to where you already have acne, because it also prevents it.
GOOD LUCK. ACNE really sucks!
Keep washing your face in cold water. Get a good, fat free , healthy diet with lots of water. Lemon is a natural and good astringent. Keep dabbing some lemon juice or rubbing the lemon rind on the affected parts. Blue Bleach ur face, to avoid the acne leaving marks on ur face. This is an Indian practice for acne and it works. Try mixing yogurt, turmeric and besan powder (it's an indian word, google and find out what it means in ur language) in equal portions to form a thick yellow paste and apply to your face. Wash off after the paste turns hard. The turmeric being a natural food color , besides being a very good antiseptic for the pimples, will leave a yellow tinge on ur face. If you are dark, it may make you look a bit fairer. If you are too fair u may look like u've got yellow fever. So u can use lesser turmeric. Or, after u wash off the pack, apply some olive oil and clear your face with a thick tissue or towel. The yellow tinge goes off.
If you don't want the turmeric at all, it's up to u. But curd, lemon, besan and turmeric are very good for clearing pimples and acnes. Good luck.
accutane- its for the most severe acne, and after you finish the treatment, you won't ever get acne again, so you don't have to take the meds forever. FIY its actual medicine in pill form, not anything like proactive. need to go to a dermatologist.
PS. I already tried proactive! - made of my face worse!Strongest and Fastest Acne Cream/Medicine. HELP! :[?
Chelll !
Caviar Cream
visit鈥?/a>Strongest and Fastest Acne Cream/Medicine. HELP! :[?
Best solution is a product with sulfur in it. They still carry a product called BYE BYE BLEMISH in TWO DIFFERENT FORMULATIONS. DO NOT GET THE ONE WITH SALICYLIC ACID. The other one is 10% sulfur. Use it twice a day. It says not to use it under makeup, but I did and it helped me so much. Don't shake it, and use a Q-tip to get the pink medication out. You will see what I mean when you get it.
Also, ADULT ACNE CLEARASIL has sulfur and resorchinol in it. The sulfur content is lower than the other product, but if you use it 3 times a day, even under makeup, it will help you out in a week.
Also, never pay attention to the instructions that tell you only to apply it to where you already have acne, because it also prevents it.
GOOD LUCK. ACNE really sucks!
Keep washing your face in cold water. Get a good, fat free , healthy diet with lots of water. Lemon is a natural and good astringent. Keep dabbing some lemon juice or rubbing the lemon rind on the affected parts. Blue Bleach ur face, to avoid the acne leaving marks on ur face. This is an Indian practice for acne and it works. Try mixing yogurt, turmeric and besan powder (it's an indian word, google and find out what it means in ur language) in equal portions to form a thick yellow paste and apply to your face. Wash off after the paste turns hard. The turmeric being a natural food color , besides being a very good antiseptic for the pimples, will leave a yellow tinge on ur face. If you are dark, it may make you look a bit fairer. If you are too fair u may look like u've got yellow fever. So u can use lesser turmeric. Or, after u wash off the pack, apply some olive oil and clear your face with a thick tissue or towel. The yellow tinge goes off.
If you don't want the turmeric at all, it's up to u. But curd, lemon, besan and turmeric are very good for clearing pimples and acnes. Good luck.
accutane- its for the most severe acne, and after you finish the treatment, you won't ever get acne again, so you don't have to take the meds forever. FIY its actual medicine in pill form, not anything like proactive. need to go to a dermatologist.
Any medicine or face cream i could use to make me have a better complexion ? medicine or face cream i could use to make me have a better complexion ?
um some cream like michael jackson usedAny medicine or face cream i could use to make me have a better complexion ?
wat do u mean by better complexion ?
u mean lighter or darker ?
lighter- bleach or ask michael jackson
darker -a tan should work but watch out for skin cancer
as in color ? why would you want to change your skin complexion ?
um some cream like michael jackson usedAny medicine or face cream i could use to make me have a better complexion ?
wat do u mean by better complexion ?
u mean lighter or darker ?
lighter- bleach or ask michael jackson
darker -a tan should work but watch out for skin cancer
as in color ? why would you want to change your skin complexion ?
What is the difference between ointment and cream medicines?
Ointments tend to be greasier than a cream. That is the only difference.What is the difference between ointment and cream medicines?
As a psoriasis sufferer, I used Dovonex for a long time. It came in two forms: ointment and cream. Both had the same active ingredients, but the ointment stayed on the applied area longer, and was, consequently, more effective.
I would assume that your medicine will be the same. The one downside to the ointment, however, is that it can leave a grease stain on clothes.
Good Luck
As a psoriasis sufferer, I used Dovonex for a long time. It came in two forms: ointment and cream. Both had the same active ingredients, but the ointment stayed on the applied area longer, and was, consequently, more effective.
I would assume that your medicine will be the same. The one downside to the ointment, however, is that it can leave a grease stain on clothes.
Good Luck
How can I get rid of my pimples with out creams or medicine?
I started to have lots of pimples on my back and face and I don't want to be like my brother and father who have them all their life. Is there any was with out medicine or creams I can get rid of them. Thanks!How can I get rid of my pimples with out creams or medicine?
Drink lots and lots of water and change your sheets frequently to rid them of dead skin cells. Shower regularly with a good body wash, maybe with head %26amp; shoulders (usually helps backne) and change your shirts when their dirty. Personal Hygiene is the key.How can I get rid of my pimples with out creams or medicine?
Sounds like this skin issues is genetic. Although you can reduce the amount of acne you can get.
I recommend do not eat fast food, and skip soda and snack foods.
Yes certain foods can increase pimples and such.
Drink lots of water, and a small amount of fish that is not fried.
But, why wouldn't you want to wash your face with some basic face wash?
I recommend St. Ives face wash - the gentle scrubbing kind. It will not make your face worse. If you're like me, I do not like to put creams and any type of medication on my face either.
Best of luck.
use neutragina.. it really works. Also try washing your face/ back... but not too much.
Good luck trying!
Drink lots and lots of water and change your sheets frequently to rid them of dead skin cells. Shower regularly with a good body wash, maybe with head %26amp; shoulders (usually helps backne) and change your shirts when their dirty. Personal Hygiene is the key.How can I get rid of my pimples with out creams or medicine?
Sounds like this skin issues is genetic. Although you can reduce the amount of acne you can get.
I recommend do not eat fast food, and skip soda and snack foods.
Yes certain foods can increase pimples and such.
Drink lots of water, and a small amount of fish that is not fried.
But, why wouldn't you want to wash your face with some basic face wash?
I recommend St. Ives face wash - the gentle scrubbing kind. It will not make your face worse. If you're like me, I do not like to put creams and any type of medication on my face either.
Best of luck.
use neutragina.. it really works. Also try washing your face/ back... but not too much.
Good luck trying!
My hands is very black please tell me any cream or medicine to apply, even my whole body complactions is fair?
Don't be silly. Your hands are the color that they are supposed to be.cute myspace
How to enlarge my penis length and breadth...suggest me-no medicine and cream pls?
you cantHow to enlarge my penis length and breadth...suggest me-no medicine and cream pls?
If u r having a penis of 5-6 inches, it is normal and should not bother about itHow to enlarge my penis length and breadth...suggest me-no medicine and cream pls?
You cant
If u r having a penis of 5-6 inches, it is normal and should not bother about itHow to enlarge my penis length and breadth...suggest me-no medicine and cream pls?
You cant
Wanting to know if i can use a topical cream 4 days prior to surgery-they told me not to take medicine npo?
i was on prednisone for poison ivy but have taken all of the prescription, but now i am not allowed to take my medicine 7 days prior to surgery, well the poison ivy is still here and getting worse, have a desonide cream and was wondering if and what your thoughts were about being able and allowed to use this since it absorbs through your skinWanting to know if i can use a topical cream 4 days prior to surgery-they told me not to take medicine npo?
Speak to your surgeon about this. They will NOT want to do surgery on anyone who has an active infection (unless the surgery is because of the infection) or anyone with poison ivy. (If you are having surgery because of the infection, they refer to this as ';dirty surgery.'; They do their best to prepare the site of the incision to prevent infectious agents from getting in there. However, if you already have the infection, they cannot avoid introducing infectious agents since they are already present.) They generally don't want to do surgery on a person who has an infection because his/her immune system has been compromised by the infection except when the surgery is because of the infection or the surgery is an emergency. Poison ivy is highly contagious and if you have it on your skin, everything you come in contact with could become infected. If you still have poison ivy after your medicine is finished, you need to see your doctor for follow up care. Schedule an appointment with your primary care physician to deal with the poison ivy rash that isn't gone yet. Cancel your scheduled surgery. Reschedule it for a sometime after the poison ivy is all cleared up.
The medications that they want you to avoid prior to surgery generally have to to with the effects of the medicine that can compromise you during surgery and recovery. How long you have to avoid the particular medications has to do with the specific effects of the medication. One common things to avoid prior to surgery is any type of NSAID. NSAIDs thin your blood and you will bleed more profusely during surgery and have a greater degree of likelihood of having bleeding problems following surgery. Often they recommend that you avoid NSAIDs for two weeks prior to surgery. They tell you to be NPO prior to surgery since anything in your stomach when you have surgery makes it more likely that you will throw up and that you could end up with some of that in your lungs. This is a serious problem.
Speak to your surgeon about this. They will NOT want to do surgery on anyone who has an active infection (unless the surgery is because of the infection) or anyone with poison ivy. (If you are having surgery because of the infection, they refer to this as ';dirty surgery.'; They do their best to prepare the site of the incision to prevent infectious agents from getting in there. However, if you already have the infection, they cannot avoid introducing infectious agents since they are already present.) They generally don't want to do surgery on a person who has an infection because his/her immune system has been compromised by the infection except when the surgery is because of the infection or the surgery is an emergency. Poison ivy is highly contagious and if you have it on your skin, everything you come in contact with could become infected. If you still have poison ivy after your medicine is finished, you need to see your doctor for follow up care. Schedule an appointment with your primary care physician to deal with the poison ivy rash that isn't gone yet. Cancel your scheduled surgery. Reschedule it for a sometime after the poison ivy is all cleared up.
The medications that they want you to avoid prior to surgery generally have to to with the effects of the medicine that can compromise you during surgery and recovery. How long you have to avoid the particular medications has to do with the specific effects of the medication. One common things to avoid prior to surgery is any type of NSAID. NSAIDs thin your blood and you will bleed more profusely during surgery and have a greater degree of likelihood of having bleeding problems following surgery. Often they recommend that you avoid NSAIDs for two weeks prior to surgery. They tell you to be NPO prior to surgery since anything in your stomach when you have surgery makes it more likely that you will throw up and that you could end up with some of that in your lungs. This is a serious problem.
What are the remedies -medicine,creams or food, to premature graying hair? Look @ a person of less than 40 yrs?
Home Remedies for Premature Greying of Hair
Premature Greying of Hair home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Indian Gooseberry
The use of Indian gooseberry is the foremost among the home remedies found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. This is a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation. The fruit, cut into pieces, should be dried, preferably in shade. These pieces should be boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes like charred dust. This darkish oil is very useful against premature greying. The water in which dried indian gooseberry pieces have been soaked overnight is also nourishing for the hair. This water should be used for the last rinse while washing the hair. Massaging the scalp every night with a teaspoonful of indian gooseberry juice, mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of lime juice, also proves beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair.
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Amaranth
Amaranth is another effective home remedy for hair disorders. Application of the fresh juice of the leaves of this vegetable helps the hair to retain its black colour and prevents it from premature greying. It also helps the growth of the hair and keeps it soft.
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Curry Leaves
Liberal intake of curry leaves is considered beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair. These leaves have the property of providing vitality and strength to hair roots. New hair roots that grow are healthier and contain a normal pigment. The leaves can be used in the form of spicy condiment, or may be squeezed in buttermilk. When the leaves are boiled in coconut oil, the oil forms an excellent hair tonic to stimulate hair growth and bring back hair pigmentation.
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Ribbed Gourd
Ribbed gourd boiled in coconut oil is also an effective remedy for premature greying of hair. Pieces of this vegetable should be dried in the shade. These dried pieces should be soaked in coconut oil and kept aside for three or four days. The oil should then be boiled till the solid is reduced to a blackened residue. This oil should be massaged into the scalp. It will help enrich the hair roots and restore pigment to the hair.
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Butter
The butter made from cow's milk has the property of preventing premature greying of hair. A small roll may be taken internally and a little quantity may be massaged into the hair roots twice a week.
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Vitamins
The vitamins considered useful in guarding against premature greying of hair are pantothenic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid (paba), inositol. The minimum daily requirement of these vitamins appears to be 10 mg of pantothenic acid, 100 mg of para-aminobenzoic acid, and 2 gm of inositol. To obtain satisfactory results, all three of these vitamins belonging to the B group should be supplied at one time, preferably in a form which supplies all the B vitamins, such as yeast and liver. The three anti-greying-hair vitamins can also be produced in the intestinal tract by bacteria. Thus, taking a sufficient quantity of yoghurt daily and a tablespoonful of yeast before each meal is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. If one wishes to take tablets of calcium pantothenate and para-aminobenzoic acid (paba), they should be taken in addition to the yeast and yoghurt, and not as a substitute for them.
Dietaries for Premature Greying of Hair
Premature Greying of Hair : Home Remedies suggested by users
Take nutrients rich diet
Diet is of utmost importance in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair and persons suffering from this disorder should take a diet rich in all essential nutrients.
Avoid devitalising foods, soft drinks etc
Devitalising foods such as white flour, refined sugar and all products made from them, soft drinks, pastries, jams and jellies should be avoided. These foods take away energy, cause wrinkles, unattractive skin, grey hair, and premature old age.
Other Premature Greying of Hair treatments
Massage of scalp with almond oil
Massage of the scalp with almond oil is recommended.What are the remedies -medicine,creams or food, to premature graying hair? Look @ a person of less than 40 yrs?
I don't think there are any remedies to prevent premature gray hair. All you can do is cover it up with hair dye.What are the remedies -medicine,creams or food, to premature graying hair? Look @ a person of less than 40 yrs?
Only thing available is hair dye.
Premature Greying of Hair home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Indian Gooseberry
The use of Indian gooseberry is the foremost among the home remedies found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. This is a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation. The fruit, cut into pieces, should be dried, preferably in shade. These pieces should be boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes like charred dust. This darkish oil is very useful against premature greying. The water in which dried indian gooseberry pieces have been soaked overnight is also nourishing for the hair. This water should be used for the last rinse while washing the hair. Massaging the scalp every night with a teaspoonful of indian gooseberry juice, mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of lime juice, also proves beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair.
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Amaranth
Amaranth is another effective home remedy for hair disorders. Application of the fresh juice of the leaves of this vegetable helps the hair to retain its black colour and prevents it from premature greying. It also helps the growth of the hair and keeps it soft.
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Curry Leaves
Liberal intake of curry leaves is considered beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair. These leaves have the property of providing vitality and strength to hair roots. New hair roots that grow are healthier and contain a normal pigment. The leaves can be used in the form of spicy condiment, or may be squeezed in buttermilk. When the leaves are boiled in coconut oil, the oil forms an excellent hair tonic to stimulate hair growth and bring back hair pigmentation.
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Ribbed Gourd
Ribbed gourd boiled in coconut oil is also an effective remedy for premature greying of hair. Pieces of this vegetable should be dried in the shade. These dried pieces should be soaked in coconut oil and kept aside for three or four days. The oil should then be boiled till the solid is reduced to a blackened residue. This oil should be massaged into the scalp. It will help enrich the hair roots and restore pigment to the hair.
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Butter
The butter made from cow's milk has the property of preventing premature greying of hair. A small roll may be taken internally and a little quantity may be massaged into the hair roots twice a week.
Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Vitamins
The vitamins considered useful in guarding against premature greying of hair are pantothenic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid (paba), inositol. The minimum daily requirement of these vitamins appears to be 10 mg of pantothenic acid, 100 mg of para-aminobenzoic acid, and 2 gm of inositol. To obtain satisfactory results, all three of these vitamins belonging to the B group should be supplied at one time, preferably in a form which supplies all the B vitamins, such as yeast and liver. The three anti-greying-hair vitamins can also be produced in the intestinal tract by bacteria. Thus, taking a sufficient quantity of yoghurt daily and a tablespoonful of yeast before each meal is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. If one wishes to take tablets of calcium pantothenate and para-aminobenzoic acid (paba), they should be taken in addition to the yeast and yoghurt, and not as a substitute for them.
Dietaries for Premature Greying of Hair
Premature Greying of Hair : Home Remedies suggested by users
Take nutrients rich diet
Diet is of utmost importance in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair and persons suffering from this disorder should take a diet rich in all essential nutrients.
Avoid devitalising foods, soft drinks etc
Devitalising foods such as white flour, refined sugar and all products made from them, soft drinks, pastries, jams and jellies should be avoided. These foods take away energy, cause wrinkles, unattractive skin, grey hair, and premature old age.
Other Premature Greying of Hair treatments
Massage of scalp with almond oil
Massage of the scalp with almond oil is recommended.What are the remedies -medicine,creams or food, to premature graying hair? Look @ a person of less than 40 yrs?
I don't think there are any remedies to prevent premature gray hair. All you can do is cover it up with hair dye.What are the remedies -medicine,creams or food, to premature graying hair? Look @ a person of less than 40 yrs?
Only thing available is hair dye.
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